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Hi guys, here's another chapter, i know i haven't updated in a while and that's because my account was saying error and won't open so i had to change my password and then i got wifi problems. my library is saying error and won't show any book, please if anyone has a solution DM me, thanks.

Emma's p.o.v

I groaned as I tried to swat away the hand that was pushing me to wake up. My mum.

"get up,hon we need to talk" she said sitting down on my bed. I rolled over and sat up on my bed. She looked great in her nurse's uniform, it really enhanced her dark skin.

"what's wrong mum?"

"I got a call, I'll be gone for a week"

"wait what? To where?" I asked frantically. Not again. Mum's sort of a travelling nurse, she goes round the world I really don't know why and it's gets annoying sometimes.

"Europe, you'll have to stay at grandmas" I groaned and laid back on my bed. This is sooo annoying. I love my grandma but I hate going there. She's so boring all she does is make cookies, talk, read her bible, sew and sleep but I must say her cookies are the best.

"mum, please don't make me do this, it's so far from school" I whined.

She shrugged and sighed" sorry hon, there's nothing I can do?"

"isn't there someone else I can stay with, maybe dad?" mum frowned and said a stern no. since they got divorced and dad and my brother Aiden moved away, They're allowed to see me only once a month and for a few hours. It sucks so much.

"what of your friends at school?" she suggested "maybe the Hazel you always talk about?" I stared at her, is she serious? The almighty Valdez family. Staying in their house. Unheard of.

"I don't think so mum, it's unheard of"

"ask or you'll be shipped off to grandmas" I groaned again before getting off my bed. I had to prepare for school. I took a quick shower, brushed my hair and teeth, then chose a black hoodie with jean skirt since I'm not a trouser person. Once done I went down the stairs to grab some breakfast before heading out to catch the bus. I kissed my mum good bye before running to my bus top.

I was glad I made it to school on time at least I'll have time to think before asking Hazel. I walked to my first class, Maths. It was almost empty though. I made my way to my usual seat. Soon Hazel walked din under her hoodie as per usual. She flopped into the seat beside me and gave a loud sigh.

"what happened?" I asked her.

"the boys chased a poor rabbit and beat it to death" she explained. I chuckled and she glared at me." It was so cute and fluffy and they won't let me keep it"

"boys" I merely replied. The class was filling up slowly and the more I became tensed and agitated. I think Hazel noticed because she turned to me.

"you okay back there?" she asked. I gave her a small smile and sighed.

" mum is travelling again and I sort of was wandering if I could like sleep over at your house" I said almost in whispers. At first her face was expressionless but then it broke into a smile.

"that'll be awesome, now there'll be two ladies, so when are you coming?"

"tomorrow perhaps" I replied her. this was easier than I thought.

Hazel p.o.v

I knew something was on Emma's mind once I saw her but what? I didn't bother to push her since it I know she'll tell me soon.

"you okay down there?" I asked finally.

"" mum is travelling again and I sort of was wandering if I could like sleep over at your house" I took me time to process the information. A sleep over with Emma. I quickly smiled at her.

"that'll be awesome, now there'll be two ladies, so when are you coming?"

"tomorrow perhaps" the bell rang meaning time for class. Everybody was settling down even my brothers and their friends came early to class. Am I surprised. The teacher seemed to be running late, so the class was a bit rowdy. I just stuck my head in a book trying to shut out the noise. Then something hit my head, it was a big piece of paper. I turned to see who threw it. Dylan. I opened it, it read 'could you lend me a pencil, I can't find mine and probably an eraser too, xoxo, Dylan.' I looked back at him, all his friends were staring at me and half the class too, waiting to see my reaction. I took an extra pencil and eraser from my purse, asked Emma for some tape which she thankfully had and taped them together. The I tore off a piece of paper and wrote a note 'I'm sure your mouth works, don't throw paper at my face, wierdo, Hazel'. I threw the paper first at his face then the pencil and eraser. It hit him square in the face though.

Dylan p.o.v

"So how did yesterday go?" Dean one of my friends asked me as we settled done in the class. I told them about the date though and they laughed it off.

"cool, as ever" I looked over at Hazel, her head stuck in a book as always. I don't know what I find so special about her.

"I dare you to write a note and throw it at her" Caleb said making the others hail him while her brothers weren't so kin on the idea. Anyway, I wrote the note, crumpled it up and threw it to her. it hit her head and she turned and looked at me. I gave a small smile. Surprisingly, she got the items and wrote a note but what I didn't expect was for it to hit me square in the face. All the guys around burst into laughter. I read the note and smirked.

Hazel p.o.v

"so, my friend Emma is coming over for a week" I told Ivan once I got home. He looked at me curiously and asked why.

"her mum is travelling and she needs a place to stay"

"who needs a place to stay?" Percy asked walking in with the triplets and Dale.

I rolled my eyes at him "mind your business" he raised his hand in surrender and sat on the island with the others. I turned back to Ivan.

"so? Can she?" I gave my puppy eyes and pouted.

He sighed" fine, you're irresistible" I smiled widely at him.

"sorry, to interrupt but where is Alan?" Miles asked.

"had an emergency at the hospital"

"oh my is he hurt?" I asked almost yelling. They all stared at me as though I was insane and burst into laughter. I blushed crimson.

"he's a doctor, didn't you know that? Wait what? Nobody told me I yelled back at him but they only laughed harder. I huffed and went back to my room to sleep.

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