Bonus 7

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Hazel's p.o.v

"You can't do that Dylan" I said as we both stood in front of the sign that advertised the performance of the night.

He sighed and ran his hand through his hair in annoyance "why can't I do it?"

"You don't even know how to do it, we just came to Hawaii and you wanna join them to breathe fire from their mouth" I complained.

"it's super amazing, how can u miss participating in that" I raised my hand in surrender and walked away from him. Coming to Hawaii is one of the most stressful things I've ever done. It's supposed to be vacation.  Rest from all the older children but suddenly all the boys turn into children that need to be watched closely.

I walked over to Simon who was seated at a table and pouring himself a glass of champagne.

"You look mad" he commented once I sat down.

"Thanks for informing me" I responded giving a dead panned look. I looked around and then back at him "where are the kids?" He dropped his glass and looked around also.

"I swear they were here a few minutes ago" I face palmed. Omg.
"I'm gonna kill you I threatened standing up.  His face turned pale. "How could you lose two little children?"

"Chill, I'm sure they haven't gone far" he said also standing. We went two different directions to look for the children. I felt smoke pouring out of my ear as I stomped around asking people if they had seen them.

"Excuse me are you looking for someone? "A tall lady asked. She was standing in front of a group of children dressed with lei and a grass skirt learning to dance the Hala.

"Yes, Alvin and his cousin, a little blonde haired" she smiled and pointed to him with Blain beside him. I sighed in relief. "A lot of children get lost because of the various attractions,  pick him up at 4" I nodded and walked away from her. I spotted Dylan seated at a table not too far away so in joined him.

One look at him and I realized he was tipsy almost drunk and he was pouring another drink for himself.

"No, you're already tipsy" I said collecting the bottle from his hands.

"Gimme I'm not drunk" I rolled my eyes then my phone started to ring. I looked at the caller. Rose. I walked away from the table and answered the call.

"Hey mum" Roses voice came over the phone.

"Hey baby, how are you?"

"Awesome, I talked to Harden and we are talking now" I squealed. Rose has had a crush on Hayden for so long.

"I'm so happy for you, tell me everything OK? "

"Thanks mum and remember don't tell anybody" I chuckled and bade her goodbye. At least the kids at home were still alive and not insane.

I walked back to Dylan and the  entire bottle was gone. I glared  at the drunken figure in front of me.

"Hazel, we have to leave now" Alan called comin to me. I looked down at Dylan and he followed my gaze."great, now we have to get a drunken somebody home" I rolled my eyes and walked away. He'll have a piece of my mind once his awake hangover or not.

I walked over to the children and got Alvin and Blake. They seemed excited and talkative.

"Mum, we're performing tonight are you gonna come see us" Alvin asked jumping up and down. I smiled at him.

"Of course, I'm gonna be there to see you" I replied crouching down to his level.

"And daddy too?" I smiled and laughed nervously.

"Maybe I took their hands and led them to the car that would take us back to the hotel with Miles driving.

"Hey guys have fun?" He asked as we all got into the car. I called shot gun because Dylan was also at the back with the two kids. Alvin and Blake started to rant about all the things they did.

"Sorry about him" Miles sympathized pointing at Dylan. I rolled my eyes and muttered a whatever. I was out of the car once we reached and into our suite. I flopped on my bed. I heard a small knock on my door and I shouted for the person to go away but the door opened instead. Ivan walked towards me and fell on the bed beside me.

"I'm sorry about Dylan"

"Urgh" I groaned "every body tells me that, and it's annoying"

"OK what do you want us to say?" He asked me. I stared at him.

"Tell him to listen sometimes, ever since we came to Hawaii he's been a visitor of his own will"

"I'll talk to him, once he's OK but now we have to go for Alvins performance" I groaned and rolled off my bed. Changing to a new clothe I joined the others downstairs. Dylan was the only person not available and Alvin looked disappointed.

We drove to the venue and found our reserved seats. Trust my dad. Alvin and other kids were called up to the stage dressed in their leis and skirts. Then they started to dance swaying to the left and right while also singing a song. It was a beautiful sight.

The fire breathers performed next but of course Dylan wasn't here to see them but I chose not to spoil the night with those thoughts. It was peaceful after all.

Hey, sorry for not updating for so long. I was busy with school and sorry for the short unedited chapter. I will edit it as soon as possible. I will be publishing a new book soon titled Eva Black so you guys should look out for it.


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