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To say I'm excited about school today is a complete lie. I was in school last week as a poor little foster kid from nowhere and now I'm a rich kid and only daughter of the famous valdez with the kings of the school as my brothers.

I went about my usual routine, brush your teeth, shower, brush hair, no makeup. I chose a white top and jean skirts with a black hoodie to go on top. I grabbed my bag containing all the homework I'm supposed to submit today. The house was a little too quiet as I made my way down the stairs, I walked into the kitchen where Jessica the maid was setting breakfast.

'morning Jessica' I said grabbing a bottle of water off the counter. She smiled at me.

'morning Hazel, what'll you like for breakfast? She asked me.

'oh, nothing I'm fine, I'm off to school' I said to her before walking out. The morning held a little chill, so I pulled my hoodie over my body tighter. I walked out the gate and started my walk to school. Living here doesn't change things about me like walking to school though it will be like 30 minutes' walk.

I was glad when the familiar building of the school came into view, and exhausted too. There were a few students around but nobody I knew or knew me. I walked quietly to my locker and swung it open, I had history first.

'hey, slut' heard someone say. I leaned back to see the person leaning on the locker beside was Aubrey.

'care to repeat that? 'I told her. She rolled her eyes at me.

'you heard me straight, you've missed school for a week, people say you took in, I won't be surprised because you look so whorelike like your mum probably' I slammed my locker and turned to her, I grabbed her shirt at the neck and pushed her into a locker. Looking straight into her eyes.

'don't you ever call me, my mother or anybody that again or you'll regret it for the rest of your life' she pushed me away and slapped me.

'stay away from the valdez brothers' so this was what it was about, she thought I made out with Simon, and that's why I was away from school for a week. I felt another blow that snapped me out of my thoughts. I blew back. I was aware of the crowd that was forming. My lips were burst and I tasted blood in my mouth. I heard someone yell my name, it was Simon. All of them were there watching. I quickly picked up my bag and took off. Breaking through the crowd was not easy but I made it out and ran for the bathroom.

I washed my face quickly as I turned I bumped into another girl. She was a little shorter than I was, with black spectacles and freckles littering her cheek. She wore a hoodie over jeans.

'I'm sorry,' she mouthed slowly. I just stared at her, there was something about her countenance that drew me to her. 'you're bleeding' I touched my lips and there was blood on my fingers. 'here' she said handing me a little wipe and lip balm. I wiped the blood off and applied a little of the balm.

'thanks, I'm Hazel' I replied.

'Emma Holmes' she replied. The bell started to ring.

'what class?' she asked me. I handed her my schedule. 'we have the same class, come on' we made it to the class in time before the teacher arrived. I sat at the back seat with Emma beside me. Half way into the class and the door swung in. the Valdez brothers all walked in. including Ivan and Alan.

'you're late again, and is that my best student Ivan?' our teacher asked smiling. Ivan smiled a little as his eyes surveyed the class.

'sorry to interrupt but we're looking for our little sister' Alan said causing murmuring of confusion in the class.

'I never knew you had a sister' our teacher exclaimed.

'long story short, Hazel Is our little sister' Simon announced and the whole class turned to me. I gave a weary smile. They all gave a sigh of relief before those in school took their seat and Alan and Ivan left. News travels fast because wherever I go I get stares, even Aubrey was shocked. The look on her face was priceless when the principal told her. She got a week suspension while I got one-day detention. Lunch came and I went to the library with Emma. Turns out she's a nerd like me, so I think we're good. She did learn a lot about me well, apart from the James part. She's a freshman,15 years, lives with her mum a nurse in the other side of town. She loves music and reading.

Detention was in Mr. Andre's class. He teaches AP chemistry and physics. He practically sleeps every time he gives us an exercise to complete. So I guess those who'll most likely jump out the window during his detention will have nothing to worry about. I took a seat at the very back of the classroom where no one will notice me. The door opened and Dylan walked in. he walked over and sat beside me.

'hey, Hazel' he whispered. I nodded in response. Since we aren't meant to talk. 'wanna know how I got here?' I looked at him again and shook my head. 'too bad cause I slammed someone's head into a locker' I just stared straight ahead making no reactions. Then I felt a paper slip into my hand, I looked at it, it said' give me your phone' I turned and mouthed a why. To put my number, he mouthed back. I gave it to him because he was bugging me. After a few minutes he handed it back. Then he started talking more like whispering in my and it was so irritating that I yelled for him to shut up. The whole class turned shock written on their faces. Mr. Andre looked directly at me.

'did you speak, Hazel? 'he asked me.

'sir it wasn't her fault' Dylan started but the teacher held up his hand for him to stop.

'yes sir 'I replied Andre laughed.

'well good to know you have a beautiful voice' we all stared at him, he is full of surprises. The bell rang meaning detention was over. I quickly packed my bag and my things and ran out. Not to the car or to the field. I just ran out of the gate. I wasn't sure where I was but I came upon the same park, I found a week ago. I sat down and stared into space. My mind was fuzzy and I couldn't think, so I laid in the bench and drifted off to sleep.

The sun had already gone down, when I sat up again. My phone was buzzing continually with text messages and missed phone calls. I stood up and started my walk home, it took only about 30 minutes before I found it.

It now dawned on me what I had done, I ran away from school, missed all their calls and texts. I wondered how they'll react but I can't stay outside forever. I opened the door slowly and walked in. I could hear someone talking on the phone coming down the stairs. It was Ivan. We just stared at each other for seconds before he spoke into the phone 'found her'.

'and where have you been?' he asked in a not so happy tone.

'I'm sorry, I wasn't thinking' I managed to choke out.

'you scared nonsense out of us, we almost called the cops' he replied. The others ran inside panting like crazy and non were smiling.

'seriously, why'd you run away?' Alan asked. I shrugged.

'why'd you even get in a fight by the way?' Miles asked. I kept silent.

'hazel answer this minute' Alan yelled. I flinched.

'that girl called me a slut and mum too, and she slapped me, so we got into a fight' I replied. They all looked shocked. 'I'm sorry okay'. I said and walked to my room for a much needed sleep. I don't think sleeping on a bench is a good idea.

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