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Hazel p.o.v

Dylan seemed pretty tensed up until, I shut the front door. he led me to his truck, it was pretty big and beautiful I must say.

"I like your car" I mouthed after some silence. He looked at me shocked for a moment before he smiled.

"thanks a lot and I love your dress" I blushed crimson before muttering a thank you. He helped me get into the car and then sat in the driver's seat. He turned awkwardly.

"do you like white chocolate?" he asked.

I stared at him" I don't know, I haven't tasted it before" I've never tasted white chocolate, only the regular brown ones at the store because my mum had better things to buy with her money than chocolate?

He started the car and drove off "seriously, want to try it? It's way better than normal chocolate. We reached a traffic light and stopped, then he reached behind and grabbed a pink box. It was heart shaped with a ribbon round it. He handed it to me. I was hesitant to collect it.

"for you, take it please" I collected it finally but he still motioned for me to open it. I did. It was filled with chocolates all white with milky substances all over. Yum. I picked one and put it in my mouth. I felt warm and milky and sweet.

"do you like it?" Dylan probed smiling childishly. I tilted my head to a side pretending to think.

"it's good but I don't see the difference between this and normal chocolate" I answered mischievously. He fakes gasped and pouted.

"the gods of the white chocolate are not happy with you" he replied faking a deep voice and making me laugh. We drove into the parking lot. I've never been to the movies before so I was pretty shocked at how the building looked. We got out of the car, he put out his hand for me to take and I slid mine quietly into his making sure not to flinch. We walked into the building, it was a bit rowdy but okay non the less.

"what movie do we watch?" he asked me as we stared at the list of available movies. My eyes wandered through the list until it fell on beauty and the beast. I love Disney movies, no offence. " dead pool" he suggested.

"beauty and the beast" I said.

"seriously, that's no fun" we had a staring contest and I won. I tried as much as possible not to laugh. Why are my enjoying this?

He threw his hands up in surrender and pouted so cutely I almost took a picture." Fine, we'll watch that". He started to pay for the ticket and when I came forward he pushed my head away gently. I stood there crossed armed, frowning and blushing.

"you know I could pay for myself" I stated. He looked at me like I had not said anything and just pulled me along. This is relatively funny 'cause I've like met him twice and he's behaving like we've known each other forever.

He literarily dragged me to the snack bar, behind the counter was a guy our age, he had black hair and brown eyes.

"What can I get you?" he asked.

"one large coke and popcorn, the largest" Dylan ordered. The guy turned to me.

"just water" I said. Dylan frowned. "actually I'll order for you, one small popcorn and a small coke, thank you" I stood there blushing and embarrassed, I wish I never came. We took our orders and went into the movie room. LARGE. We had seats in the middle row 'cause Dyl says it's the best place to see the screen from. I can't argue.

We both sat down, I at his right. He handed me the small popcorn and coke and took the large ones. For someone eating that much, I wander how he is able to keep fit. He started eating away while I just sat staring at the large black screen.

" don't like popcorn? Or you haven't tasted it before?" Dylan asked his mouth filled with crushed popcorn.

I shrugged "I haven't, this is my first time at the movies"

His jaw dropped in shock "are you from this age? How's that even possible? Are you serious?" I nodded slowly." Well there's always a first time" he grabbed some popcorn and put it to my closed lips trying to force it through. Gross. I did let him put it and it tasted like heaven. So buttery and sweet and crunchy and supercalifragilisticexpialidocious. If you know what I mean. (@ Mary Poppins).

"you like it?" I nodded while eating some more. He was grinning like a 3-year-old who just got a bag of candy. The familiar song of Disney made us turn our attention back to the screen. Let the movie begin.

*after the movie*

"this was so much fun; I feel like I'm the beast" Dylan said as we walked back to his car. It was already 10:30 and we needed to be back by 11:00. I murmured a thank God you know as I got into the car. We buckled up and started for home.

'so? Tell me about you, just like your life before now" I was taken aback sort of 'because it came suddenly and I never knew he'll ask about my past. I cleared my throat softly.

'I lived with my mum back at Lakeview before we moved to center view, though she died and I met my dad here and so here I am" I replied shortly. He looked at me confused for a moment before he got the hint I'm not gonna talk about it. We finally pulled into my driveway, I tried to open the door but it was locked so I turned to Dylan who just stared at me then I realized my mistake.

"oh, my I'm sorry, that was rude, I'm so stupid" he stared chuckling then burst into laughter. I was as red as a tomato and stingingly embarrassed.

"it was fun, tonight by the way" he finally choked out after laughing" I hope you'll like to go again"

'sure, maybe then we can watch dead pool" I suggested. He smiled and unlocked the doors. We both got out and he walked me to the door. I waited for him to return to his car but he just stood staring at me then he leaned forward and pecked my cheek. I almost melted. This wasn't normal and I'm not used to it so I was flustered blushing red.

"bye, see you tomorrow" he called out before heading back to his car with a final wave he drove away. I turned and walked through the door. Most of the lights were on and I could hear voices in the living room so I walked there. The younger boys were on the play station while the two eldest were on their phones. Simon was the first to notice me, then the others.

"you're home, alive" Miles said making me roll my eyes. I got so many questions "how did it go?", "did he hurt you", "what did you watch" then someone asked "are you blushing?". I yelled a quick no and turned to go but Ivan pulled me back and looked intently at my face. Then nodded in agreement

"that explains it all" Alan said smirking. The others chuckled or smiled. I rolled my eyes at them.

"I'm going to bed, goodnight" they said their good nights and I went up to my room, changed into my pajamas and fell asleep once my head hit the pillow.

Dylan p.o.v

Today was better than I expected, I didn't even know she'll talk to me talk less of agree to go with me. I just did it by faith.

I drove into the drive way of my house, it's a duplex designed by my dad since he's an architect which also means he's rarely home. I quickly packed the car and walked inside. The kitchen light was on meaning there was someone there. It was Derek my elder brother. He was drinking hot chocolate while using his phone.

"Sup bro, how'd it go?" he asked me once he saw me.

"awesome, it was fun and funny too, do you know she thinks regular chocolate is better than white ones" I replied. He looked amused though.

"I agree with her" my brother replied smirking. I threw a napkin at him and yelled traitor. He laughed at me. I love my elder brother though he can be annoying sometimes but God gave him to me so. yeah. "any special find?" I thought for a moment. I sure wasn't going to tell him about the scars I found on her wrist as we watched the movie, I think that's her personal stuff so I answered no.

"where's mum by the way and Lily?" Lily is my 12-year-old little sister, the most adorable and annoying little thing and my mum is my mum.

"mum had an emergency at the hospital and Lily should be on the couch, she said she'll wait till you came home" I walked over to the couch and there she was sleeping. After taking a few pictures, I picked her up and took her to her room before going to mine. I sent Hazel a quick good night before going to bed.

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