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I broke my alarm clock when it started to ring, by mistake though. It just crashed to the ground and shattered into various pieces. I got a broom and quickly swept it out before preparing for the day. I chose a long sleeve shirt over jean skirt. I walked down to the kitchen, no one was there yet so I made myself a bowl of cereal and wolfed it down. Ivan walked in a few minutes later.

"good morning, little" he said smirking. I rolled my eyes at him, I'm not that little. He was already dressed to go out.

"where to?" I asked him.

"I'm going to get Emma, then I'm off to work" I was surprised since today was Saturday but I didn't ask. The others walked sluggishly yawning with their mouths open wide. They all said their mornings to me before settling around the table for their breakfast.

"are you excited about today?" Alan asked me. I shrugged. I've never had a girl sleep over so I don't know. When breakfast was over I went to the living room to use my phone while the others went to get ready for the day. I was going through my Instagram when someone jerked my phone out of my hand. I looked up and saw Dylan.

"since when did you get here? And I want my phone back" I said to him.he smirked.

"not until you admit white chocolate is the best" oh seriously? I rolled my eyes.

"white chocolate isn't even real chocolate" I replied making him to fake faint and land on the couch with a thud. Overdramatic.

"I don't agree, at all" I rolled my eyes at him again. Then we broke into an argument about the chocolate. We were just yelling at each other I did not notice the others come in until alan coughed. We both stopped and stared at them. Emma was also standing there beside Miles.

"seriously, guys"I whined.

"okay people, I want you to choose between white chocolate and plain chocolate, all for white say I" nobody spoke, we all stared at him.

"all for plain say Hazel" they all shouted Hazel. I smirked at Dylan and grabbed my phone out of his hand." told ya". I walked over to Emma and took her out.

"this place is amazing, Hazel" Emma said once we were out of earshot. I smiled at her and muttered a thanks.

"I want to show you the library" I told her and dragged her along quickly until we came to the door. She gasped once I opened the door to it.

"it's amazing, is that a piano?" she asked pointing at the grand piano pushed against the wall.

"you play?" she nodded as we walked over to the piano and took our seats on the padded wooden bench. She moved her hands across the keys and began to play a tune. Then slowly she mouthed the words to the song she was playing, His Eye Is On the Sparrow. I just watched her sing, me being captivated with her voice. I didn't know when I began to sing with her. My mom sang to me sometimes when we were in the kitchen cooking or fooling around. It was a perfect duet. We ended the song and just stared at each other, then we heard clapping from behind us. We turned slowly, all the guys were in the library clapping.

"amazing guys, I never knew you could sing" Dylan said. I blushed.

"I can't, seriously" I replied quickly.

"oh please, you're too modest" Simon said rolling his eyes.

"and we got it on record, right?" Dale added nudging Miles who stood right beside him. He pushed his brother away and turned to Emma.

"you have a good voice, Emma" he said. I wasn't sure whether she was blushing because of her dark skin, but she looked shy and just murmured a thanks.

Dale p.o.v

It was pretty funny watching Hazel and Dylan argue over the chocolate. I've been in series of arguments over that with him and it's pretty annoying. I think he has a soft spot for her and she for him though I know if you ask her she'll deny it a million times. We were just watching them when Alan coughed. I rolled my eyes, he enjoys spoiling good entertainment.

"seriously guys" Hazel said pouting. It was really cute.

""okay people, I want you to choose between white chocolate and plain chocolate, all for white say I" nobody spoke, we all stared at him. It was perfect pay back.

"all for plain say Hazel" we all yelled her name and started to giggle. She smirked and yanked her phone out of his hands. "told ya". She then went over to Emma and pulled her out.

"that was dramatic" Percy said once they walked out.

"guys guess what?" Alan said excitement in his voice. We all turned to him." I rented a whole water park for us, today" we just stared at him, why would a normal human being do that.

"so, it'll be no fun with only us" I complained.

"oh, shut up it's not only us, only 50 people are allowed to come in with us" he clarified. We all gave nods of approval.

"hey, I'm I coming too "Dylan asked.

"of course men, no fun without you" I replied slapping his back. There was a moment of silence. I could hear soft music coming from inside the house. Considering everyone was here well, except hazel and Emma but they never said they could sing or play. I think the others had the same thought as me because they started to walk towards the sound. I followed and it led us to the library. From outside we could hear the sound of the piano and someone singing. Slowly Alan opened the door and we crept in. Emma was playing while hazel sang. It was perfect and smooth. I didn't notice, they were done until the others started clapping. They turned pure shock on their faces.

"amazing guys, I never knew you could sing" Dylan said making hazel blush.

"I can't, seriously" she replied quickly.

"oh please, you're too modest" Simon said rolling his eyes.

"and we got it on record, right?" I added nudging Miles who stood right beside him. He pushed me away and turned to Emma.

"you have a good voice, Emma" he said. she just murmured a thanks.

Hazel p.o.v

Trust the guys to spoil fun and they just found one of my biggest secrets on tape. I needed to warn them quickly.

"guys, listen up, you can't post that video, please" I begged. They all looked at me strangely. "it's a secret I want to keep, so delete it to be safe" Emma nodded quickly in agreement.

They thought for a while and finally agreed, I could finally breath.

"okay, that said we are going to the waterpark today so go get ready" Alan said. There was no way I'm going to a park full of water to be running around in a swim suit.

"actually, Emma and I have a very important homework to do, right?' I nudged her to agree with me.

"yep, we do, a lot of work "she added. I sighed.

"let's go" I grabbed her hand and made for the door but Miles blocked it. I turned and the others were right behind us, arms folded across their chest and staring down at us. I gulped.

"this homework, we could help you" Percy offered with a devilish smirk. "that way we'll finish it on time". I shook my head, no.

"don't stress yourselves, we can handle it alone"

"you do know we have something on you, we'll just post the video" dale said raising his phone. They won't be that wicked, right? I wasn't sure anymore.

"you won't dare" I growled at them making them laugh. "dare me" my shoulders slumped in defeat as I muttered a fine and stormed out of the room, having pushed Miles out. I wonder why we didn't do that before.

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