Ch 9 Section 5

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On a bridge...

The Impala was parked by the side of a road, overlooking a river as the Winchesters leaned against a fence and enjoyed a beer together.

"So. Last night." Sam looked over to Dean and Angel, "You want to tell me what the hell you two were talking about?"

Deans brows furrowed, "What do you mean?"

"What do I mean? I mean, you said you were tired of the job and Angel you agreed. And that it wasn't just because of Dad."

"Sam..." Angel sighed looking out to the water, "Can't you just forget about it?"

"No, I can't. No way."

"Come on man..." Dean frowned, "We thought all three of us were going to die. You can't hold that over us."

"No, no, no. You can't pull that crap with me." Sam looked between them pointedly, "Talk."

Dean challenged, "And if we don't?"

"Then I guess I'll just have to keep asking until one of you guys do."

"I don't know, man... I just think maybe we ought to..." He frowned, shrugging, "Go to the Grand Canyon."


"That's actually a good idea." Angel mused, "I mean, we've been back and forth across the country but we've never been to the Grand Canyon."

"Or we could go to T.J. Or Hollywood." Dean smirked, "See if we can bang Lindsey Lohan."

Sam shook his head, "You two arent making any sense."

"Lets take a break from all this." Dean explained, "Why do we gotta get stuck with all the responsibility, you know? Why can't we live life a little bit?"

"Why are you saying all this?" Dean shook his head and turned away as Angel avoided Sam's eyes, "No, no, no, come on guys. I'm your brother. So whatever weight you guys are carrying, let me help a little bit."

"We can't, Sam." Angel's jaw tensed, "We promised."



"What are you talking about?"

Angel sighed as Dean looked down, "Right before Dad died, he told us something." He took a breath as he looked at Sam, "He told us something about you."

"What?" He looked between them with worried eyes, "What did he tell you guys?"

The Winchester Three (S2): Crossroad BluesWhere stories live. Discover now