Chapter 28

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Poppy's POV

"It's the last day, you have to get up" Patrick said as he pulled at the blanket that was keeping me snuggled in my warm bed away. I grunted in annoyance. I was getting quite tired of being woken up that way. "You never want to go to school! Now suddenly your a star student?" I growled, snatching my blanket from his hand and sitting up on my mattress.

May 27th. Finally it was the last day of school. Honestly I wasn't sure I could take anymore after the year I had. I guessed one more day wouldn't hurt.

Reluctantly I stood, heading for my closet and yanking down the first thing that caught my eye, pulling off my pajamas and letting the dress fall into place on my frame. "See that wasn't so bad now was it?" Patrick mocked from across the room as he bent down to tie his boot. I scoffed at him, flipping him the bird as I headed for the bathroom. I cringed as I looked at my reflection. I couldn't stand the way my face looked when it was adorned with a collection of stitches.

The sound of the bathroom door opening once again echoed off the tile as Patrick made his way in to stand behind me. His fingers carefully made there way up to my face, pushing some hair away as he looked at the injury. It was healing, sure, but that didn't change how awful it looked. I turned my head away from him, uncomfortable under his inspecting gaze. I knew what it looked like, it wasn't pretty, and I didn't want him staring at it.

I still hadn't told him what had happened that day, where the cut came from, and I had no plans on doing so. I didn't want him to know that that was my fear, that I had a hallucination of him hurting me. The thought of how easy it was for that thing to overpower me made my stomach turn. It reminded me of how I felt as a child when my mother always had the upper hand. I shook my head, trying to rid myself of those thoughts as I finished getting ready.

We made our way outside as belch blared his horn, clearly not caring that it was 7:30 in the morning and that I had neighbors. "You know there's people trying to sleep?" I questioned as I climbed into the back seat. "Well good morning to you too sunshine." He chuckled, pulling away from the curb, clearly amused by my agitated state. I rolled my eyes, oh how I wished I could just go back to bed and avoid the entire day.

As we pulled up in front of the school I patiently waited as the boys climbed there way out of Amy and head off towards the schools front steps. I followed, dragging my feet as we headed for the brick building. Henry scowled at some younger boys who had gathered at the concrete steps that led up to the door, his non verbal threat making them scatter. So obnoxious. He laughed to himself at what he had done before continuing inside. That kid needed some serious therapy, maybe I could recommend my father to him.

I strolled along, reaching forward to grab onto Patrick's hand as we headed down the hallway towards where the boys lockers sat. They were mostly empty, as they had been for most of the year, but they proceeded to empty the rest of there belongings into there backpacks before closing the metal compartments once more. One more year of school for them and they would be loose in the world, honestly that was a terrifying thought to process.

As Patrick slammed his locker shut and turned back towards me, a smirk on his face as he tossed his bag onto his shoulder. "Meet me here after first period. And bring all your shit cause we're not coming back." He said. I scrunched my brows together in confusion, coming back from where? After a long silent pause he rolled his eyes. "You didn't actually think I was gonna make you hang out in this shit hole all day, did you?" He questioned, gesturing around as he gave the hallway a look of disgust. I shrugged. "Actually that's exactly what I thought" I nodded.

Belch turned around and stepped in my direction, shaking his keys in my face, making a metallic clinking noise. "Well think again." He chuckled. I should have known as soon as Patrick woke me up that morning that we were going to skip. He was NEVER that excited to get up and go to school, he was never awake before me at all in fact. "Let's go" he said, nodding in the direction of my first class before he took off ahead of me. I scurried to catch him, struggling to match his huge strides as we neared English.

"I'll be right here when your out." He told me, leaning his shoulder against the door frame as he spoke. I nodded, knowing full well that he would be, just as he was every day. "Where are we going anyways?" I questioned, moving out the way way as my fellow students made there way inside the room. Another smirk played across his face. "Well, Flower. That's for me to know and you to find out."

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