Chapter 10

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Poppy's POV

As I pried my eyes open, I cringed at the pounding inside of my skull. My throat felt like it was on fire and my shirt was damp with sweat. The sun shone in through a crack in my blinds, beaming brightly into my face as I shifted uncomfortably under the orange light. I wiggled to turn around but felt 2 arms were wrapped around my waist, holding me in tightly place. As I turned my head I found Patrick, snoring softly next to me as his chest rose and fell slowly. For once he actually looked peaceful.

Memories of the night before flashed though my mind. I couldn't remember much, but I did remember some things, like how Patrick had helped me. I looked over at him, his shirt wrinkled and spotted with my blood and he wore his jeans from the night before.

Slowly I lifted his arm off of me doing my best not to wake him and climbed out of the bed, almost tripping on his boots as I stood up. My body ached as I made my way downstairs and into the kitchen.

Reaching up into the cabinet I grabbed a bottle of ibuprofen and a glass. Leaning my hips against the counter as I filled my cup and opened the pill bottle, popping 2 in my mouth and swallowing them. I rested my palms against the counter, staring out the window that sat above the kitchen sink as the morning glow from outside slowly seeped into the house.

I gasped, startled as I felt a hand touch my waist. As I whipped around I was face to face with Patrick, he quickly shoved me back against the kitchen sink. His tall frame towered over me, one arm on each side of me making it impossible to escape. I bit the skin on the inside of me cheek nervously as he stared at me, his eyes roamed my body before they locking on my bare legs.

I suddenly felt extremely self conscious under his inspecting eyes. He smirked ever so slightly, his lips still swollen from sleep. He lifted his hand and pressed the pad of finger against a scar that sat directly under my collarbone. I flinched, not particularly likening the contact, but never yanking away.

His eyes flickered to my face and he leaned in close to my ear. "You whimpered in your sleep all night." He said tracing my neck with one of his long slender pointer fingers, the feeling making me shiver. His lips brushed against the shell of my ear as I let out a shaky breath.

"If you ever try to do something stupid like that again, I'll kill you myself" his tone was harsh but for some reason, something in his eyes told me he wouldn't hurt me. There was a long moment of silence before I decided to speak up. "I'm sorry" I whispered, hanging my head in embarrassment.

Hot tears began to slip there way down my cheeks as I picked at the counter behind me nervously. Patricks large hand grabbed onto my jaw, forcing my face up so I would have to look at him. "Aw puppy," he had said, his tone sounding almost mocking as his rough fingers squeezed my face. "Your so pretty when you cry" he smirked, wiping my tears with his thumb before promptly setting it in his mouth, his eyes locked on mine.

By the hotness of my face I could already tell I was turning red, blushing as I screamed inside of my head. His fingers wrapped around my wrist as he yanked me closer, leaning down, his lips met mine in a hard rough kiss. Despite the aggression of the action, it was much more gentle then he usually was, and I was grateful for that.

Grabbing my hand he lead me back up the stairs and into my bedroom. I bit my lip, my hands shaking as we entered the room, unsure of what his intentions where. He pulled me back into the bed, wrapping his arms tightly around me, making it almost impossible to move. I wriggled a bit, not liking the feeling of being trapped beneath him like this, not liking that he had all the power. I jumped a bit as his hand came down against my head, petting my hair softly. I froze, he was being more gentle then I thought he was even capable of.

"Go to sleep" he commanded, his eyes already shut as he pulled me closer, resting his chin on top of my head. Not wanting to anger him I went limp against my mattress, my eyelids falling close without protest as the exhaustion I still felt took over my mind.

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