Chapter 18

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Peters POV (Poppys Father)

It was still raining, as the drops tapping harshly against the window I wondered if it may never stop. I held the umbrella above me outside of the asylum as I watched a woman walk out crying, clutching her chest. This wasn't an uncommon occurrence, seeing someone inside of that place, it could be very hard to swallow. Pushing open the door I shook off the umbrella and collapsed it, setting in the pocket of my rain coat.

"Good morning Dr. Moore. It's really coming down out there isn't it?" the nurse at the desk spoke with a shy smile. I recognized her, she worked on the same day every week. When I had been coming up to the hospital everyday when Jane had first been admitted I saw her frequently, got to know her quite well.

"Good morning to you too, Gemma. Is the doctor in yet?" I asked, setting my folded hands down on the nurses station desk. "Yes of course," she nodded. She typed a few things into the computer before reading the screen. "He's checking up on a new patient that arrived this morning and then he is scheduled to meet with you and begin Janes treatments." she smiled getting up and tucking a clipboard under her arm. "Come along, I'll take you to Jane"

I followed closely behind her as she lead me through the corridor of rooms, past the cafe, the day room, and into a room filled with medical equipment. Jane sat with her legs crossed on a examination table. "Hello, Peter." her voice was quiet, nervous sounding. I rushed to her side and kissed her temple gentle. "Hello darling, sleep well?" I asked. I heard the door of the room close quietly and looked back to see that Gemma had left us, most likely not wanting to interrupt our conversation.

"I slept alright, I was up most of the night wishing you were here." she said leaning her head forward against my chest. "I know darling, I wish I could be here with you every second of everyday." it wasn't a lie, it was so hard not being able to see her all the time.

"I'm afraid peter. What if I forget things, important things" she was gripping my shirt hard and her hands were shaking. "Your going to be fine, I promise, I would never let them do anything to you that I didn't think was safe" all I could think to do was rub her back to comfort her. "You promise?" She leaned back to look at me. Her innocent eyes were now filled with tears. I took her face in my hands. "Cross my heart and hope to die" we had said that to one another since we were young.

I kissed her once more before the door opened and the doctor walked in along with a few others. "Morning peter, morning Jane" he called as he walked over to the sink to wash his hands. "Were going to start slow to see how Jane reacts to the treatment. I'm not one to dilly dally around so let's get started ya?" Now I was the one shaking. "Yes doctor"

"Alright peter just step back and we can begin, come along and lay back Jane" she nodded and laid back against the white sheet that covered the table. All the people who had entered with the doctor gathered around. One turned on a flashlight and checked her eyes and other did examinations throughout her body. This went on for a while, after everyone let the doctor now there tests were clear he pulled on a pair of gloves and rolled a table over with a machine on it. I bit into my knuckle terrified.

"Open up my love" one nurse said holding a rubber object up to Janes mouth, she obeyed and the nurse closed her mouth around it. A object was brought up to her head and placed on her temples. I could see the fear in her eyes and it broke my heart, but what was I to do.

"Set it to 70 volts for a duration of 6 seconds" the doctor called to the assistant who was operating the machine. He gave a quick nod before turning the dials, when he was finished he nodded to the doctor. He gave me one last look before walking over to hold Janes face in place. "Clear" and that was when I heard it.

Janes piercing screams.

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