Chapter 7

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That morning I turned off my alarm before it even blared to life at 6:30 AM. If I had to hear the sound I probably would have pulled my hair out in annoyance. I sluggishly forced myself out of bed and down the stairs making my way into my fathers bathroom. I was still much to afraid to shower or even pee in mine, fearing that the mysterious spiders would once again over run the space.

I leaned over the sink, washing my face, brushed my teeth and doing my hair before I headed back upstairs to get dressed. Once I was finished, I walked to a nearest mirror. I looked horrible, miserable, like I had never slept before in my life, but there wasn't much I could do about it. Sighing, I tied a ribbon into my ponytail. My shoulders slumped as I let myself sit on the edge of my bed, exhausted already.

I almost jumped out of my skin when I heard the honk of belches car come from outside. Grumbling to myself, I quickly grabbed my backpack throwing it over my shoulder and running outside. Patrick was already standing there leaned against the car waiting. He grabbed me by straps of my overalls and yanked me against him. He seemed to have grown quite fond of me in the past months treating me like a possession. It was strange honestly.
Taking a tight hold of my jaw he leaned down and pressed his mouth against my own.

When he finally pulled back he bit into my lower lip, hard. I let out a flustered breath, gripping his forearms to stabilize myself as I jolted back. My tongue met a fresh wound on my lip, the blood pooling around it causing a metallic taste. I wiped the liquid from my face, shocked that he had done that. I don't know why I was surprised, he had always been strange, but somehow his actions still shocked me every time.

"Get in the fucking car already." Henry growled, obviously annoyed, he was always extra angry in the mornings. Belch told me it's because his dad always beat him before he left for work, and then he threatened to kill me if I ever told henry he said that. I hurriedly climbed into the backseat, Patricks large hand against my waist hurrying me along, never leaving even as I buckled myself in. I was used to it at this point.


I couldn't pay attention in class all day, all I wanted to do was leave, which was not normal for me. I was usually writing down every word that came out of the teachers mouths, but today I just laid my head on my desk, staring at the wall.

I stared out the window in English class, gazing out at the forest that lay just beyond the schools grounds. As my eyes started to drop I suddenly saw something right on the other side of the glass. I jolted upright, eager to see what on earth could have been out there.

Suddenly Patrick's face came into view, a smirk on his face as he stood frozen in the window. I glared at him, annoyed that he had scared me, but waved anyway. He didn't respond, he didn't move, come to think of it he didn't even blink. I sat there for what seemed like forever, watching his mouth crawl slowly into a sadistic grin. "What the hell?" I whispered to myself confused. Wondering what he wanted, why he was trying to freak me out.

I glanced around me, looking to see if anyone else had noticed him standing there.

When I turned back I almost fell out of my chair. There he stood, eyes completely white as blood seeped between his teeth and out of his mouth, dribbling down his chin and onto his t-shirt.

I slapped my hand over my mouth to keep myself from screaming, clenching my eyes shut, praying that it was just another hallucination like the spiders. "Its not real, it's not real" I mumbled to myself, terrified to look back at the window.

When I finally got the courage to do so, there was nothing. Not a trace of where he had been standing.

What is wrong with me?

Was I losing my mind?


"Let me copy your homework." Victor said hurriedly as he sat himself at lunch table. This was a common occurrence, almost everyday in fact. I was quiet for a moment. "I don't have it" I mumbled pushing my food around on my tray. The table went silent and all four boys heads turn to look at me. "What" belch blurted out sounding confused. Patrick's eyebrows furrowed. Victor let out a nervous laugh. "Oh come on, don't fucking lie to me" he scoffed, rolling his eyes. "Im not lying. I didn't do it" I snapped.

"You've got to be fucking kidding, you always do your homework" he squinted at me, as if giving me a threatening look would make me confess. They all did, waiting. "I didn't fucking do it, ok!" I said loudly, angry that they all believed I would lie like that, right to there faces. "What is with you today, Jesus fucking Christ. Are you on your period?" Henry snarled. I looked over to see the same look on Victor and belches faces as well. I suddenly realized my mistake.

Patrick leaned in, his lips touched the shell of my ear. "Watch your fucking mouth." He growled, his large hand snaking up my back before he grabbed the back of my neck roughly. "I-I'm sorry. I'm just tired I couldnt sleep last night cause my dad left and-" I stuttered, panic overtaking my mind as I gripped the edge of the lunch table. Patrick tightened his grip significantly, silencing me. "I don't want to hear another fucking word out of you for the rest of lunch." I could feel the cold metal of his rings against my nape. I nodded vigorously.

Anything to make him stop.

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