Chapter 1

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"Where even are we?" I asked my father as our car made its way down the winding road, trees thick and dense on either side of us. This was the first time I had ever been to the US and everything looked so much different then at home. "Derry Maine, darling. Im sure your going to love it, it's beautiful" he said excitedly. I nodded slightly, unsure.

As we pulled into town I immediately felt as if something was off. Father hadn't been lying, Derry was in fact beautiful, but the air felt strangely heavy. "This my dear is our new home." He said proudly as he pulled into the driveway of a large old house. I looked up at the building, holding my hand over my eyes to shield myself from the bright sun. "Wow, it's a bit big for just the two of us don't you think, father?" I asked turning my head in his direction as he exited the car. He leaned down, sticking his head back in the car to speak with me.

"Nonsense my darling, it's just perfect" he replied, giving me a toothy grin. Shoving my thumb down against the seatbelt release, I reached for the car door handle, stepping out on to the concrete of the driveway. Pushing it shut behind me I made my way up to the front door where my dad stood, struggling with the key. "I've got it" I said, to excited to see the inside to wait on him. "Alright then." He chuckled, handing me the key before heading off to grab boxes out of the car.

I hurriedly shoved the key into the lock and twisted it till it clicked, I pushed hard on the dark wood of the door, making my way inside, scanning my surroundings as I went. The sun that shone in from the uncovered windows lit up the house, giving it a beautiful orange glow. Furniture draped with white sheets sat covered in dust through out every room. I couldn't complain, it was amazing, and at least here, maybe I would feel safe.

Later that day, when the sun had just disappeared out of the sky, my eyes began to flutter as sleep tried to take a hold of my mind. I trudged my way up the stairs, the hard wood cold against my bare feet as I made my way to my room. "Goodnight, father" I called down the stairs, pausing as I awaited his response. "Goodnight my love" he called back from his study where he had been for the last couple of hours unpacking boxes.

I smiled, turning and heading down the hallway. As I pushed my door open, I made a b line for my bed, ready to sleep somewhere new, somewhere safe. I snuggled beneath the blankets, wriggled around against the mattress as I tried to find the most comfortable position to sleep. Sighing, I went limp against my pillow, my eyes falling closed as I could no longer force myself to stay awake.

I gasped, startled awake by the feeling of someone's hands around my throat. My vision was blurry as I opened my eyes and all I could make out was a swirl of white and red. A terrifying laugh echoed in the space around me, I could see a black void for miles and miles. I coughed, clawing at the hands that where desperate to strangle me, gasping and wriggling beneath the weight of my attacker. I felt myself be yanked forward, cold drool meeting my cheek. A whisper, shaky and horse.

"You'll float too."

I screamed until my lungs where on fire, thrashing violently against the surface I was pinned to. "Poppy, your having a nightmare. Calm down, darling" a voice spoke as I felt a hand meet my four head. Suddenly I was able to move and I launched up in bed, gasping for air, touching my neck to assure that I was alright. "It's alright, dear. Just take deep breaths. I'm here Poppy" my fathers voice cooed softly, his large hand stroking my back as I shook. My fists gripped the sheets, I needed to ground myself. "I'm sorry." I sobbed, hot tears pouring down my clammy face. "It's ok my love, I'm here to protect you"

He sat there until I was calm, petting my hair as he told me over and over that it was just a dream. "It's not real, lovely. It cannot hurt you" the tiredness that now overwhelmed me from my crying threatened to force my eyelids shut.

"Everything will be better tomorrow my beautiful poppy"

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