Chapter 27

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Poppy POV

I rubbed the bandaid that covered my stitches as the car made its way down the road. Victor, Henry, and Belch had all managed to cram themselves in the backseat of Patrick's truck despite my protests about how I could sit in the back. They had all refused to listen.

"Where are we even going?" I questioned, resting my elbow against the door. "Shut up and be patient" Patrick replied, clearly annoyed by my question. I couldn't blame him, I had already asked 2 times. I huffed, readjusting my gaze out the window to distract myself from my boredom.

A large sign flew past my vision. The words "Welcome to Castle Rock" where scrawled on the old wooden sign in blue letters. The paint of the sign had long since began to peel, giving the sign an almost ominous look. I continued to stare out the window, counting passing cars as we went until we finally pulled to a stop in front of a building. Leaning towards I looked up at the shops sign. "Pete's Pets and Supplies". Before anyone could even speak victor had already climbed out of the car, Henry and Belch following quickly behind him.

I pushed my door open, climbing out of the passengers seat of the truck and hopping down so that my feet where against the concrete. Carefully I began walking towards the shops front door. I could feel Patrick looming presence behind me every step of the way, but it comforted me knowing that he was there.

As I pushed open the metal and glass door, a small bell rang out cheerfully over head, alerting the shop owner that more people had entered. It was a women who couldn't have been any older the 40, she had a short brown bob and a thin long face. She gave me a tight smile as I made my way past the check out counter, the strange glint in her eyes making me shiver.

I hurried further into the store, in a rush to get away from the women. I found Victor with his face practically smashed against a cage with a small orange kitten in it. The kitten was happily rubbing himself against the bars where Victor had placed his hand, purring loudly, obviously happy for the attention. Belch stood by a reptile tank, hands shoved into his pockets as he stared past the glass at a white and yellow snake. It wasn't moving much but belch didn't seem to care at all. Henry, being Henry, leaned against the opposite wall, his hands crossed over his chest as he did  his best not to break his "I'm a macho man" act.

Patrick, obviously in a hurry to show me whatever it was that we had come for, set his large hand on my lower back. He pushed me through the cages and down different isles until we were in front of a tank full of rats. I looked up at him, eyebrow cocked. "Is taking someone to see animals similar to there dead pets the way you pick up girls?" I questioned sarcastically as I bent down to look in on the little creatures. "Just pick one so we can leave" he replied, rolling his eyes.

I raised an eyebrow at him. "Pick one?" I questioned, standing back up so that I was facing him. He nodded in annoyance. "Is that not what I said?" He huffed, shoving his hands down into his Jean pockets. It was like he wanted to be nice, but he wasn't very good at it.

I noticed his eyes twitching around the room, as if being surrounded by so many lives animals disgusted him. I decided against my planned protest and pointed immediately at the one in the front of the cage. He was white and black and pressed his paws to the glass where my finger was as I pointed at him. I laughed at his cuteness, pulling back to wave at the tiny creature as I did. "Did she pick one yet? If we don't leave soon Victor is going to steal that cat" Belch said from behind me as he made his way down the isle. I nodded gesturing towards the rat once again. Belch scrunched his face up at the animal, rats aren't everyone's cup of tea.

"Can I help you kids with anything?" A female voice said a bit to loudly behind us, making us all whip our heads in its direction. It was the shop keeper, the same tight smile plastered across her face as she made her way closer, hands clasped tightly behind her back. "We'd like to get a rat please" I replied sweetly, trying my best to cover up the nervous shaking of my voice. The women nodded, making her way past me and Patrick and stepping to open the cage. I pointed out the one I like and she grabbed him by his tail, pulling him from the cage as he squealed. I felt bad for the small creature, watching him wiggle to get away from the women's harsh grasp.

She plopped him down into a small travel cage and shut the door before taking him over to the check out counter. Patrick followed her while I stayed planted next to Belch, waiting for Victor and Henry to join us so that we could all exit the store. Henry sauntered his way over to us as he glanced into each tank he passed. "Smells like shit in here" he said, scrunching his nose a bit as he looked in on some birds who's cage seemed to be over do for a cleaning. "No buddy that's just you" Belch laughed, earning him a hard punch in the shoulder from his friend. 

"Let's go" Patrick called, already pushing his way out the shops front door, rat in hand. I scurried along to catch up with him, quickly pulling the cage from his grasp so that my new little friend could ride with me. The last one to leave the shop was Victor, who hopped quickly into the truck and slammed his door. "Took you long enough" Patrick grumbled, patience was never his strong suit, obviously. A strange noise suddenly came from the boy, not his mouth, but his shirt.

"Oh god please tell me you didn't" Belch sighed, resting his thumb and four finger against the bridge of his nose. Victor snickered a bit before he pulled something from under his t-shirt. An orange ball of fluff wiggled a bit in his hand before it turned revealing the kitten from the shop. It meowed, looking around a bit confused by its new surroundings.

"Oh but I did" victor laughed, scratching the kittens tiny chin. The creature hissed at him and bit his finger, to tiny to cause any real damage, but confident in himself no less. "Look he's vicious. I'm gonna name him Henry" the boy chuckled as the feline clawed at his hand. Henry glared in his direction, clearly not amused by Criss's new pet. I jumped a bit as the cars engine roared to life. Patrick twisted so that he was facing Victor, a threatening look in his eyes. "If you let that cat shit in my truck, I'll skin it alive"

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