Chapter 6

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My chin rested against the cool wood of my fathers desk as I stared at the cage that housed Apollo and Hades, 2 rats that had once belonged to my mother.

She was always buying things that she didn't need and wouldn't be interested in for very long, before the accident that was. "Darling, I just wanted to talk to you about the other night" father said, taking a seat behind his desk. I hated when he did this.

I groaned, agitated by the ambush. "I understand that you were quite upset about something, that you-" he stopped and cleared his throat to get me to look at him. "-saw something?" he continued, resting his arms against dark wooden desk, leaning forward as he awaited my answer.

I shivered thinking about that night but only shrugged in response to his question. "Come on darling," father sighed. "I just want to talk" he was using his comforting therapist' voice, a voice that I absolutely hated. "I already told you, I'm fine" I said with an annoyed sigh. "I was just tired, I hadn't slept for a while and you know I get scared sometimes" I said twisting a piece of hair around my finger nervously.

If I told him the truth he would think I was crazy, that I had lost my mind just like my mother had. "Are you sure love?" He asked. "This is a safe space, you can tell me anything" he smiled reaching across the surface and setting his hand on top of my own. I shook my head.

"Really, it was nothing, I was tired and I just freaked myself out" I said trying to reassure him for the millionth time. "I love you, I want you to know that, and anytime you want to talk I'm ready to listen" he nodded. He always said that when I didn't wanna talk, like someday I was going to come crawling to him begging for him to pick my brain. We had been having talks like this ever since the accident. "I love you too" I said quickly.

He clasped his hands together, realizing that I wasn't going to open up anytime soon. "I have to go to England for a couple of days, they want to start new treatments on your mother and I want to be there for her when it happens. I'm going to the airport early tomorrow morning" he said pinching the bridge of his nose. I rolled my eyes in agitation. "We just got here 3 months ago, father. Don't you think she will be fine without you?" I grumbled, my eyes brimming with tears at the mention of my mother.

A pained look took over his face. "She afraid darling, she's all alone in a scary place." He said, doing his best to make me understand, but I didn't. She was a monster, I'm sure she would be fine on her own. "Yeah, and I'm your child! Your just going to leave me here in the states, by myself in a giant creepy house?" I scoffed. All of my sadness was gone now, replaced with anger. "Darling it's all going to be fine. Your 17 years old. Your perfectly capable of taking care of yourself while I'm away. Not to mention I'll call you everyday, to make sure your alright while I'm away."

"Fine" I replied, my body stiff as I thought about all the horrible things my mother had done to me over the years, wondering why in the hell my dad even wanted to see her. How he could ever forgive her for all the abuse I had taken.

I stood from the large chair in my fathers office and walked out. I could hear a sigh escape from my fathers mouth, I didn't like to push him away but what was I supposed to do. All I could imagine is the the disappointment he would feel if I told him the truth. His wife was crazy, his daughter couldn't be crazy too.

That would just be to much to bare.

That night I lay awake in bed, unable to close my eyes, unable to fall asleep. My mind was racing so fast I couldn't even think hard enough to do my homework. Any noises I heard made me jump, but I didn't get up, I just sat in fear in the darkness of my bedroom.

Around 3:50 A.M. I heard my fathers footsteps making there way up the creaking stairs. I quickly turned my body towards the wall and closed my eyes hoping that he would believe that I was sleeping peacefully.

My door creaked open slowly and he made his way quietly over to my bed. He brushed some stray hairs out of my face before his lips met the skin of my temple. "I love you, Poppy" he whispered before tip toeing his way back to my bedroom door and closing it slowly behind him. "I love you too, father" I replied, but he was already gone, he couldn't hear me.

I heard the front door open and then shut again before the engine of his car roared to life and pulled out of the driveway.

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