Chapter 26

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Poppy's POV

I had been woken up that next morning by the sound of all 4 boys storming up the staircase and into my room. Henry took a look around my room with a disgusted scowl on his face. "It's so girly in here" he scoffed, leaning his shoulder against the door frame. I grumbled, still tired and not to happy that this was my wake up call. "It's a girls room you fucking idiot, what did you expect" victor replied, shoving past him as he headed for my bookshelf.

"Get up, I have a surprise for you" Patrick said, pulling at the warm blankets that engulfed me. I curling up into a ball against my mattress in protest. "I'm not in the mood for a surprise" I whined. Belch shrugged his large shoulders as he rested his forearm against my headboard. "Come on, it will be fun!" He encouraged.

I grumbled once more before sitting up. Patrick was easy to ignore but I knew that with all 4 of them I didn't stand a chance at getting to stay in bed. "She lives!" Victor cheered mockingly as he pulled books from the shelf to examine the back covers. I glared at him from where I was perched on my bed. The sudden rush of blood to my head making my stitches throb. I cringed, reaching up to try and dull the pain. Before I could even ask where my medication was I was being handed the bottle and a glass water.

I looked up at Patrick a bit confused. I didn't know why they were all acting so strange. I took it hesitantly, pulling the cap off the medication bottle and dropping 2 of the pills into my hand. I downed them, chasing them with gulp of water as I prayed they would work quickly. I stood and made my way over to my closet, grabbing a dress before I headed off to the bathroom. I gasped as I felt Patrick slip through the door right before I pushed it closed, leaning against the wood as it clicked shut.

I stood there staring up at him as I waiting for him to leave, clothing clutched in my left hand at my side. He raised his eyebrows and looked around as if pretending to not understand why I wasn't proceeding. "Could you get out?" I questioned slowly, gesturing towards the door that was being blocked by his tall frame. Patrick shrugged moving past me so that he could sit on the closed toilet seat lid. I rolled my eyes. My head hurt to much to argue with him so I simply choose to ignore him.

I pulled my oversized t-shirt over my head and tossed it to the corner along with my underwear and sleep shorts. I yanked my dress into place and headed for the mirror. Grabbing my brush, I dragging it through my tangled hair as I stared at myself. I cringed as my eyes fell upon my head injury, no way I can cover that up. Rolling my eyes I choose to continue getting ready.

As I turned my head, I noticed Patrick's eyes locked on me, his gaze never wavering even as I moved around the room. I raised my eyebrows at him as I took a seat on the edge of the tub, pulling my shoes on as we held the eye contact. "Are you just going to stare at me until I'm finished?" I questioned. He shrugged, a smirk on his face as his eyes roamed over me. "It's not like it's anything I haven't seen before" he replied. He wasn't wrong, but still.
"Fine" I huffed, standing and gesturing to myself. "I'm ready"

As we exited the rest room I headed down the stairs towards the living room where the rest of the boys where sat on the couch watching the TV. A pop tart from the kitchen sat in belches hand and Henry was leaned against the back of the couch with a bag of chips in his lap, crunching loudly. "You should probably go to the store, your running out of food" he said, mouth stuffed full.

I scoffed at him. "I wouldn't be out of food if you would stay out of my pantry" I replied, scowling. "Can we fucking go already?" Victor whined, his small frame already standing at the door. He was never one to be patient.
Belch stood, nodding as he dangled the keys making a metallic rattling sound. "Everyone in the car"

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