Chapter 29

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I sat quietly in the back of the classroom as I patiently waited for the bell to ring. There was no lesson for the day, being it the last day before summer. Finally a break from this suffocating concrete prison. The teacher sat at her desk, a fashion magazine in hand, her sandals claud feet propped on the edge of the table. It was obvious that she was just as ready for the break as everyone else.

Beverly, who was sitting across the table from me, nudged my foot with hers. "Anybody there?" She questioned with a laugh. I realized I had zoned out. "Ya sorry-" I chuckled. "I was just thinking." I continued. She nodded her head as if she understood. She had seen the mark on my head, I could tell she wanted to ask about it but never seemed to say a word. I knew she thought it was from Patrick, everyone seemed to think that. People in the hallways always acted as if I couldn't hear them gossiping about me as I walked by, but I could.

"What are you doing for the summer?" I questioned, doing all I could to change the energy of the conversation. "I'm going to visit my relatives." She smiled, tucking someone's hair behind her ear, tapping her pencil happily against her desk. She always seemed to be in such a good mood. "That's exciting" I smiled. Just as those words left my mouth the school bell rang overhead. The girl jumped to her feet, speeding to the door, throwing a "have a nice summer" over her shoulder as she went. I waved, laughing at her excitement.

I grabbed my bag and tossed it over my shoulder, heading for the classroom door. I could already see Patrick out in the hall, his back against the concrete wall as he waited. As soon as I exited the classroom I felt his hand on the back of my neck, his rings cold against my skin as he led me towards the schools doors. "You got everything?" He questioned, as he shoved his shoulder against the metal door, holding it open as I made my way through. I nodded, shrugging my shoulder to gesture towards my bag.

As I looked around the school yard it was apparent to me that a lot of students seemed to be leaving. That made me feel much better about it honestly knowing I wouldn't be the only empty seat in class. My eyes landed on the blue shine of Amy's hood and I could see Victor, Henry, and Belch all ready to go, stereo blaring already. "Hurry up I'm ready to jet" Henry called, pushing a pair of sunglasses up the bridge of his nose. I laughed as I opened the back door of the car, climbing inside quickly and scooting towards the middle. Patrick quickly followed and shut the door before belch screeched out of the asphalt parking lot.

I pushed the hair away that blew into my face from the open window. The hot air from outside of the car flooded my nose, the smell of summer overtaking my lungs. "Fucking finally, no more bullshit ass assignments" Victor sighed leaning back again the leather seating of the car as he took a long drag from the lit cigarette between his fingers. "It's not like you where doing them yourself anyways." I retorted jokingly with a snort. He shot me a glare before returning his gaze out the window. "Doesn't matter. Shits a waste of my time."

I watched the trees as we moved swiftly along the road. I still wasn't sure where we were going but there were only so many places the boys hung out. Of course we pulled to a stop along the road in front of the woods that led to the quarry. I rolled my eyes. The quarry had never been my favorite place, the water always made me nervous, but I knew the boys had made up there mind as I watched them climb out of the car. I sighed shoving my thumb down against the seat belt release.

It was getting noticeably warmer day by day in Derry. The kind of warmth that made your bangs stick to your four head, but the beauty of Maine made up for the temperature. I pushed the cars door open and stepped out onto the dirt of the forest floor. Making my way through the trees I headed towards the cliff that overlooked the green tinted water of the quarry. Victor and Belch stood at the edge, a lit cigarette between victors fingers as he shoved his elbow into his friends side, almost pushing him over the edge. The bigger boy grunted in annoyance, stepping back to catch his balance.

"Screw off" he hissed at the blonde who was now bent over laughing. Belch, who clearly didn't find it funny, quickly retaliated. He wrapped his arms around the smaller boy, lifting him up off the ground unable to escaped his arms pinned at his sides. Before he even got the chance to say anything he was thrown over the edge, yelling loudly as he plunged towards the water. "Fuck you" he screamed just as he hit the water.

I felt Patrick arm slink it's way around my waist, pulling me against his rib cage. He looked down at me, his eyebrows scrunched as he examined my face. "You look tired." He said shortly, his other hand coming up to push my hair out of my face so that he could take another look at my healing injury. "I didn't sleep well. My head hurt." I replied, shaking my head to avoid his gaze. I knew he wouldn't like that answer. Ever since we left the hospital he had been extra attentive to me, almost overbearingly protective, not allowing me out of his sight as if he were afraid that the moment he looked away I might crumble to dust.

"You should have told me." He scolded, his eyebrows knit together in agitation. I rolled my eyes at him. "There was nothing you could have done to help." I reminded him pushing my bangs back into place so the disgusting gash was less noticeable. His eyes roamed my face before moving down to my neck. I had noticed that morning bruises forming around that area, where that... that thing had grabbed me. I flinched as I felt his fingertips met the markings, his jaw clenching as he stared at it. His hand fit perfectly over the mark, almost as of it was his own. He had grilled me trying to get me to just tell him what had happened that day, but I stayed silent on the matter.

I refused to be like my mother, I refused to end up in a place like the one she had been locked up in.

I refused to be crazy.

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