~ The Deal ~

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Hello lovelies. Welcome to chapter two of Dark Alarms! If you didn't see my announcement on my profile, I will be uploading on Fridays because it's going to be more convenient for my school and work schedule once class start back up for me! I wanted to thank everyone who has read, 103 reads is huge and I appreciate everyone who has devoted their time to my story!

On that note, I also wanted to give a huge shoutout to a friend of mine who has been so kind to beta this story for me so it's at its absolute best for all of you! Her user is @kauliberry and she has been incredibly amazing! I also recommend you guys check out her works. She is an incredibly talented writer and goes the whole 9 miles with her works! Thank you so much again!

The only trigger warning here is a bit of physical assault but in a very miniscule way!


Boot steps clomped heavily down the shiny sleek hallway of The Supremacy. The owner of those boots steps strutted about the halls of the First Order Star Destroyer with a sense of regalness and entitlement. His nose was upturned and his pointed chin was held high whilst his hands were clamped behind his back as he made his way to the command center; an unpleasant look gracing his facial features.

Those who passed him attempted to avoid eye contact, but the fire rolling off the General's demeanor was enough to send worried shivers down even the toughest First Order staff member's spine. Whatever he was stomping towards the command center for could not have been good in the slightest.

He stopped at the end of the hall, the automatic door he stood in front of only took a second to sense his presence before it slid open with a satisfying hiss. The man continued his pretentious strut onward until he was met by a female worker in the command bridge, her hand held a datapad that was outstretched to him.

"They have the thief in custody and the shuttle is on its way back to the Supremacy, General Hux," her voice spoke in a cool and collected voice; however, she was ready for a sudden outburst from the ginger general.

General Hux reached forward and snatched the data pad from the staff member's hand. His bright green eyes scanned the screen of the device rapidly as he read through the list of recovered First Order contraband that was accounted for on the freighter of the supposed smuggler that'd been caught on Csilla. The more he scrolled through the hefty list, the more his face turned a darker hue of red in anger. It wasn't abnormal for his pale skin to grow different hues of red each day, but no one that dared to peak at Hux while he briefed himself on the situation had ever seen him grow such a deep shade of red. His teeth clenched together making his jawline more prominent from the tension he held in his mandible.

"They've also got her freighter on the tail of the shuttle, it will be unloaded and dismantled for parts on the flight deck," the woman continued.

Hux looked up from the datapad and looked over his shoulder at a male staff member who was typing on a keyboard.

"You!" Hux commanded, his eyes burning into the back of the man's head. His head whipped around quickly to listen to the General.

"Pull up a list of the stolen shipment off of Dantooine from the previous moon cycle, cross reference it with the list of weaponry found on the freighter from Csilla. "Now."

Hux barked the order at the man, and he immediately turned back to his work station where he began to rapidly type as fast as his fingers would go. It was like signing your death note to keep General Hux waiting. After a couple of seconds he had the list up as well as the list of recovered weaponry next to it. With a click of a button, the computer he worked at began to cross reference the data, looking for signs of consistency between the two lists.

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