~ The Force ~

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Hello lovely readers! Sorry for the slight delay in the update, I had a good chunk of this written, however I wasn't able to finish it until now. I lost two family members within a week of each other so I was taking some time to get myself back together before came back to this. But I hope you enjoy this and I look forward to hearing what you guys think!



Blaster doors were the last thing you heard before silence succumbed you in the room that was now your quarters. It wasn't much to gawk at. The interior resembled the rest of the ship, shiny black walls and sleek black floors that were no doubt cold to the touch. White LEDs embedded into the ceilings lit the room, but it still felt so dark inside.

The presence of a full sized bed in the corner surprised you. You walked closer towards the black comforter cloaked bed, reaching down to feel the material it was made of. The softness of cotton under your fingers was oddly comforting, yet eerie considering you were just considered a prisoner to the First Order. Your eyes flashed over to the nightstand next to the bed. It contained a small alarm clock looking device on the top and was adorned with a single drawer you came to find was empty.

At the end of the bed stood a desk, just as neat and sleek as the rest of the room, a lamp stood on the top of it to the left corner while a notepad and a pen were sat in the middle. It also contained a few smaller drawers, but they weren't even worth looking through to see what else the First Order had so graciously graced you with.

Two smaller sets of blaster doors were embedded on the wall opposite the bed. You slowly approached one set, the motion sensor automatically made the doors slide open with a hiss to reveal a closet, clothes already hanging on the hangers of a monotonous black color. First Order uniforms. You frowned, looking over each and every identical uniform as if you were trying to spy the slightest imperfection or difference within them. Your selection really wasn't that vast and you knew General Hux would be expecting you soon, with an annoyed sigh you ripped one of the uniforms off the hanger and dragged it back to the bed where you had lazily thrown it.

You then made your way to a dresser adjacent to the bed, frowning slightly as you opened the top drawer. It was filled with undergarments, all black of course. An array of panties and bras that were in fact your size lay inside. You were even surprised to find a few thongs, which seemed to be an odd accommodation that made your skin crawl in the worst way possible

I really hope that pasty rat wasn't looking me up and down to figure out what size I was.

Something about the way how Hux used the word 'taming' earlier still didn't rub you right. His shrill voice still rang in your ears as you thought about what you had gotten yourself into. It was all for the sake of survival. Maybe he'll get bored of me and let me be. However, the dread that you felt in the pit of your stomach was signaling otherwise.

Pushing aside the thought of Hux, you grabbed a pair of undergarments as well as a tank top that you found in another drawer, throwing them on the bed with the uniform.

With one set of blaster doors deciphered, you figured the other set you had yet to enter contained a refresher. You stepped in front of them and they opened with another satisfying hiss. Indeed, inside was a refresher that contrasted the rest of your room. The counter and shower were a beautiful white color, with red and black accents on the inside walls. A foggy glass door separated the actual shower from the outside world while still providing some privacy. To the left of the sink sat the white porcelain toilet.

As you stepped inside, you automatically leaned over the sink, your body heat contrasting the cool marble beneath your hands. You hung your head low, not even finding the strength to look at yourself in the mirror. You didn't want to see the look of defeat in your eyes, the betrayal you felt on yourself, the fear deep in your pupils that you tried so desperately to hide. An exasperated sigh escaped your lips and you slouched forward further.

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