Chapter 10

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Twylish's POV

~A few days later~

After school, I went straight to practice alone, because I don't want to go home just yet. I felt like thinking by myself. I'd left the school right after science class today.

When I sat down, I rummaged my bag to get my book, and remembered it was broken... By Percy. Frustrated, I took out my iPad instead so I could read fan fictions of the Harry Potter series. This one is a Draco Malfoy love story, which reminded me of the Draco in Class 1D- came from a rich family, white blond hair, cold eyes and expressionless on the outside, but emotional n understands love on the inside.

"Hey." I turned to see Julianne sitting down next to me, n I brightened almost immediately.

"Julie!!" I stood up and flung my arms around her to give her a hug. I haven't seen her for almost a week.

"We're doing a stage practice today, so we will hav half of our lesson on the stage." She told me.

"Yeah I've heard of it." I nodded. Then, Mart walked in with Zack, Huda, Percy and another boy who sits in front of us called Cormac Finnigan. Seeing Percy made me want to throw up, so I turned and pretended to get my water bottle from my bag.

~Second half of practice~

I sat at the original seat I hav, except on stage. Even though there were no audiences, I still feel a bit excited. I've never performed on this stage before. It's my first time after all.

"Ok. Break is over, guys. There will be a bit of a noise because people are fixing the lights above." Mart barked. I looked up n saw a few workers dangling in the tall ceiling fixing the lights. "But just ignore them." He tapped his baton on the stand several times, and the orchestra quieted down. "We'll do a run through." He declared, and lifted his baton.

The music started, and I paid attention to the music so much, I didn't notice a shout from above.

Someone shouted my name, and I turned to see Percy leaping in my direction. I closed my eyes and felt someone pushing me off the stage, while the sound of millions of shattering glass was heard. There were screams, shouts, sounds of instruments dropping, and I felt something warm and sticky trickling down my face. My back landed hard on the floor, and I felt something hit the back of my head while I landed backwards. Black dots covered my vision and before the world went black, I heard someone whispering, "No.. Twyla.."


Credit: Harry Potter
For this chapter ^
Hope you like it~


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