Chapter 16

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Percy's POV

I left school with Twyla in her dad's car. I was glad because she asked if I would like to go to practice with her.

"Yeah." I'd replied, nodding. It had been an exhausting day and I don't feel like walking around the streets.

"So where do your parents work, Percy?" Her dad asked kindly, only catching his eyes for a moment from the rear mirror. Why does he look so familiar?!

"Oh, my mother works as a secretary, and I lost contact with my dad after he left, but he was a dentist." I said unnervingly, playing with my fingers.

"Oh I'm sorry Percy," he began, but I shook my hands and head at him.

"Oh it's totally fine!" I said. He glanced at me worriedly once more, but I pretended not to see it. "I don't want to be rude or anything... But why do you look strangely familiar?" I asked shyly.

He laughed loudly, and Twyla joined in as well, chuckling to herself. I was baffled for a moment, taking a sip of water from my bottle, and Mr. Gray finally managed to muffle his laughter before answering. "Of course! I'm Darren Gray!"

I almost choked on my water, but managed to gulp it down and cough. He only chuckled and Twyla patted my back so I could drink the rest of my water safely. "What?!" I choked.

"The reason why I avoid telling anyone is because I don't want anyone to feel like I'm boasting." Twyla said in her soft voice.

"I wouldn't say you're boasting anyway." I grinned at her, and she returned a smile.

"We're here." Mr. Gray announced, and we got off the car.

"See you later, Twyla." Mr. Gray smiled and drove of with us waving goodbye. Grinning, we walked up the stairs to the Town Hall.

Awkwardly, I left Twyla the second I entered the Rehearsal Room. It just doesn't feel right. I felt Twyla stare at my back when I was walking to the percussion stands, but I decided to ignore it. I said hi to Huda and fist bumped Zack, then laid my bag down on the chair behind us before positioning myself behind the snare drums. Since we're starting another piece today, we'll be abandoning the xylophone for a while. The hard thing about it is that you have to play almost all kinds of percussions though you never learnt how to play them.

I looked at Twyla, admiring her beautiful hair and her curves, and I heard a snicker. I looked over and saw Zack smirking at my baffled face. "What?" I asked, annoyed.

"Someone here has a messy heart, on a girl." Zack arched an eyebrow. "And clearly from the look, the target is the strawberry." He nodded at Twyla's direction.

"I can see she has strong feelings for you," Huda smiled. "Just not decided if it's positive or negative yet."

I gave her a "seriously?" look, and turned back to take out the drum sticks. "Easy for you to say." I said, smirking to myself. Zack punched me on the shoulder playfully, and I chuckled.

"Ok orchestra! Get yourself together and we'll get started!" Mart knocked his baton on the stand in front of him, and we started.

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