Chapter 21

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Twylish's POV

Months passed by in a blur, and in no time it's already April. My foot has cured a lot, and quicker than the doctors even expected. I can now walk without a cane, even though I still limp. Me and Percy aren't really on talking terms now... I'll start from the beginning...



"Merry Christmas!"

It's Christmas Eve, and I've invited all my best friends to my house for a little party. There's Sylvia, Percy, Ginny, Jake and Draco.

When they first arrived I've brought them to my room and Ginny had been squealing and jumping up and down and exploring my whole room, and I could only laugh since the three boys have no idea what was happening. Then we sat down on the carpet and played truth or dare, using spin-the-bottle.

The head of the bottle pointed at Percy. "Truth." He said, immediately.

"Best day of your life!!" Jake and Draco yelled in unison.

"Umm..." Percy flushed red, glanced at me, and said, "The day I know what love is."

"Oooooohh~" All of us swooned.

"Who's the lucky girl?" Ginny smirked.

"One question at a time!!" He screeched, and spun the bottle. It's head faced Draco. "Dare..."

"Hug Sylvia and give her a forehead kiss." Percy said loudly and smugly. Everyone except Draco and Sylvia laughed, who flushed and avoided each other's gaze.

"Come on, we don't have all day!" Jake cried.

Draco stood up, walked over to Sylvia, who was flushed tomato, and hugged her. At the same time, he kissed her lightly on her forehead, and the four of us swooned.

"Now." Draco smirked, he spun the bottle, and the tip pointed at Ginny. "Ginny~"

"I'd say truth." Ginny shrugged.

"List your 5 favourite books." Sylvia smiled. The boys groaned.

"In no specific order at all, it'll be Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince, The Forbidden Library, The Selection One, Paper Towns and TFIOS."

"The feels!!" I cried. Ginny spun the bottle, and the tip of the bottle pointed at-

"Twyla." Percy smirked. "Truth or dare?"

I took a deep breath. "Dare."

"I dare you to dance." Jake piped up.

"She has a bad leg!" Percy protested.

"I'm ok with that." I did a silly dance with a limp, and sat back down on the bed. I spun the bottle, and it pointed to Sylvia.

"Truth." She said quietly.

"Your first kiss?" Jake asked.

Sylvia thought for a moment. "A boy called Jack from third year in my primary school. Even though it was only an accident, I did have a slight crush on him, but not now." I saw her glance at Draco's expressionless face before she spun the bottle.

"Percy." Sylvia smiled.


"Kiss Twyla." Draco smirked.

Percy's smile faded. "What?"

"On the lips." His smirk grew wider. "You made me kiss Sylvia's forehead!"

"Everyone knows there's something between you two." Percy retorted.

"And everyone knows that you have something for her!" Draco shot back.


"Ok guys calm and we'll finish the dare. Percy, please." Ginny raised her hands above her head in surrender.

"Fine..." Percy leaned over, and I couldn't control myself but lean in as well. Our lips touched, and our gaze met, but didn't break. His lips tasted of peppermint and lemon, slightly rough, but a sweet taste lingered and stayed between us. I felt him lick my lower lip, and with a shiver my senses came back. Without thinking, I pushed him off, breathing heavily. "What the hell?!"

"I-I'm sorry!!" Percy scampered up. "I didn't mean to-"

"Oh forget it!" I stomped to the toilet and slammed the door. I could hear the others outside whispering furiously, but I ignored them. After what seemed like ages, I heard someone knock on the door.

"Can we come in?" It was Ginny. I sighed, "Sure."

The door slid open and the two girls stepped in. I looked out and met Percy's apologetic gaze, but I turned away before I could get soft hearted.

"Ok. Mind telling us what happened?" Sylvia put an arm around me and sat on the cold tile next to me. Ginny sat on the other side. I took a deep breath and told them everything. "And I thought it was just a dare!" I sniffed, I didn't notice that I'd been crying.

"Well..." Sylvia started.

"Did you like it?" Ginny asked.

"What?! No!" I hesitated. "Maybe a little..."

"I'll tell you what, Twyla." Sylvia said seriously. "This is called love. I think you like him."-"You too?! First my dad, now you?! Wow!"-"And he also developed feelings for you, don't you see it? And you told me you actually read?!"

"We're two kinds of people. I read fantasy."

"Harry Potter is enough to make you understand friendship love. Do you not ship Romione?"

"Yes. I don't ship them anymore." I said truthfully. "But I did."

"I ship Hinny." Ginny giggled. "My name is Ginny!!"

"Well, back to the point, I still think there should be some understanding for this little young lady over here." Sylvia gestured towards me. "I'd like you to think about it. This is serious stuff, and I hope you understand." She took a deep breath. "Dinner must be ready. We should go down." I only nodded, feeling only slightly better.

The door slid open, and I find my room empty. I guess they've left for downstairs. I walked down the stairs cautiously, Ginny and Sylvia flouncing ahead into the living room, leaving me trailing slowly behind them.

As I walked into the room, the boys except Percy greeted me saying awkward "Hey"s and stuff. I smiled a little and sat down between Sylvia and Ginny, across from Percy, making the situation slightly awkward. I noticed the two boys and girls exchanging glances as we quietly ate our meal, but I pretended to not notice them.

After the abnormally quiet dinner, we sat around the TV in my room on the floor chatting and laughing like normal, except when conversations with Percy started being brought up, I always hear Sylvia shush Ginny up.

In the end, it was already 10, and they had to leave to go back to their homes. It ended just as awkwardly, waving and yelling bye, directed to only four people, as the remaining one scurried off quickly.

Closing the door, I sighed and walked back to my room. I laid in my bed realizing how exhausted I was, and fell asleep.

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