Chapter 3

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Twylish's POV

Ugh! That git!

Doesn't he not know I play the violin?! Obviously he plays the xylophone becuz he knows how to play it, so he stands right behind me!! Also I introduced myself didn't I? He should know what my name is. That was so rude of him.

My father pulled up in front of the town hall again. It was the following Monday, n I just came back from school, barely finishing my homework before practice. We hav a performance coming up on Christmas, so practices will multiply in number.

Just as I got off the car, I heard someone call my name. I turned to see Julianne walking towards me.

"Hey Julie!" I said, waving. She grinned. "This is my dad." I said, gesturing towards the driver seat. She gasped.

"Darren Gray?! Oh my gods!!" She squealed. "He's your DAD?!" I nodded, avoiding her gaze. I suddenly feel nervous for the attention. "You never told me, Twyla." She sounded a bit upset.

"Sorry, but it's because I don't like the attention too much." I said, shrugging. Julianne seemed to understand, because she only nodded. I said goodbye to my father n climbed the stairs to the town hall with Julianne. "Don't tell anyone about my father. I don't like people to think I'm bragging, n I hate the attention."

She gave me a wink n turned to face the front again.

When we got into the lift, Mart walked in in a rush. "Oh hello Twyla n Julianne!!" He said, beaming. "Merlin's beard I'm almost late!"

"You're not, Mart." It's weird calling his name out loud.

Mart raised one eyebrow at me. "Wow calling me Mart already?"

"I can call u Tin if u want." I joked, smiling. He laughed a merry laugh just as the lift arrived to our floor. We walked quickly into the room, where everyone was sitting on the chairs or playing their instruments. Mart sauntered to the middle n I took my seat with Julianne. There were still a few minutes, so I took out a book to read. It's about escaping a maze n mechanical slugs, n it was created into a movie last year (A/N- see what I did here~?! >^<).

"Almost late, r u?" I turned to see Percy walking towards me. Julianne rolled her eyes n continued on getting out her violin, but I put down my book n kind of scowled at him.

"Hmm... I wonder why you don't know my name. I introduced myself standing in the middle of the orchestra when I first came in." I pretended to wonder out loud. He widened his eyes for a moment, but nudged his eyebrows together n avoided my gaze for a while n said, "I wonder why too." He turned n walked to the back to stand behind the xylophone. I groaned in frustration when I heard Mart telling us to quiet down. I didn't read at all!!

I'm in no mood to play the violin yet, but when I started I forgot all my anger n focused on how I work with the violin.

During break, I took out the maze book again, eager to know what will happen next, when someone tapped me on the shoulder. I almost threw a tantrum, but I remained calm n turned around to see Percy smirking down at me. Rolling my eyes, I ignored him n turned my attention back to the book. Julianne had left for the washroom, so I don't hav a companion to go out with me, nor do I hav an excuse to leave the room, because I've already said I don't need the washroom, n there's really nothing to do here.

"It's impolite to ignore, Gray."

"Shut up." I said.

"Hah. Like I would!"

"Just stop bothering me!" I growled.

"You're cute when you're angry."

That caught me off guard. My head snapped up to look at him, a surprised look on my face, but he was avoiding my gaze, n he was blushing a bit. Dam u hot guy. What the hell am I thinking?! Am I falling for this bloody git?!

I felt my face heating up, n I tore my gaze away from him to the floor, muttering, "Thanks."

I heard him scratch the back of his head awkwardly n went to sit in his usual spot at the back of the room. What was that all about?!


So I might be making a few more fandom references~
Credits: The Maze Runner
For this chapter ^
Hope you like this~


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