Chapter 2- The New Girl

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Percy's POV

My family is different.

I never understand why I was born in that family. We don't even look alike. First, I hav black hair n green eyes, while they hav brown hair and gray eyes. Second, they are all into technology n stuff, which freaks me out a lot because I never know how to use them. Well except YouTube which I use to listen to some pieces of music n songs. But that's it.

Last lesson, Mart told us that 5 new members are joining us. I think the new members must be quite special, because Mart never really tells us that, unless they're special guests or something.

But today, I arrived a little bit late, which means I missed registration!! When I entered, Mart was already trying to calm down the orchestra. I ran to the percussion stands, saying hi to Huda n Zack. They're my best friends, but I sometimes feel like third-wheeling them. Yep, they're in a relationship. They're also Asian, so I don't really understand them.

When I stood behind the xylophone, I saw a new girl sitting next to Julianne in front of me. She has blonde hair n pink highlights. I never got to see her face though. Her back was facing me.

Anyway, when break started, I went to sit at the chairs at the back of the practice room n listen to some music, n when I looked up, I saw the new girl playing the xylophone with Julianne. Dude, she's playing it all wrong!! Afraid that she will break the xylophone, I went up behind them n said, "Oi!"

They both turned around. Julianne frowned, n the new girl looked at me with eyebrows raised. She has blue eyes, n I think i saw the darker blue in her left eye. They look a bit dreamy.

"You don't punch them with the stick ok? You softly knock it with the tip, or you may actually break the xylophone." I glared at the new girl.

She glared back at me. "I play the violin, not the xylophone. I'd rather prefer u kindly tell me how to play it."

Right. I smirked, "What's your name?"

"I'm Twyla Gray." She held out her hand for me to shake and gave me a bored look, tilting her head a little. Damn, she looks so cute like this. What am I thinking?!

"Percy Foster." I said, slapping my hand into her's. That reminded me of Baymax n I turned my hand into a fist, n surprisingly she also did the same, so we did a fist bump, n I walked away back to the percussion stands, smiling to myself as I did.

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