~Chapter 1~

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I tap my fingers on the wheel of my car, this is the first time I'll be away from home, from aunt mito. I'm kind of nervous, actually screw that I'm really nervous, I've never left home to live anywhere else, and I most certainly never had to be on my own. Its pretty scary, but I'll pull through, I mean, thats what being an adult is like right? You have to fend for yourself, and you can't really rely on other people. Although I'm very grateful that aunt mito is helping me pay for the trip, I also wished she didn't insist on helping, I really want to show her I can live on my own, and that I'm a worthy adult. She always told me, if I can make money, pay for food and maintain a house, then I'll be worthy enough to live on my own, and right now, I'm kind of doubting I'll be able to do all that, I'm still 18 after all. I sigh, straightening my posture. I was only ten minutes away, and I was pretty nervous to be honest. 

I soon came to a stop next to the curb of a sidewalk were I would walk to my soon to be home.

It was a pretty nice neighborhood, other than the fact there was a lot of pervs walking the streets, but I think I'll be fine. 

The apartment I got was really nice, and it was a great deal to. Only 600 dollars a month for a two bedroom one bath. Although I was living by myself, I could always use the extra room for some sort of guest room.

I was only a few feet from the entrance of the apartment, and the outside looked exactly like the picture, I could feel a rush of relive run through my body, not that I was doubting it was going to look any different anyway. I went to what looked like the front desk, but no one was there. Which was a bit odd considering I didn't see a closed sign or anything. I looked around some more, and just as I suspected, there was no sign so I assumed that whoever was working the front went to the bathroom, and I just decided to wait a bit and see if anyone would show.


After what felt like and eternity of waiting I started doubting anyone would show, I also got worried because I was 4 hours away from aunt mito and its not like I knew anyone or had any friends here. 

As soon as I was about to walk back to my car, I saw a white haired male whom I assumed was the desk worker walk towards the empty desk. He looked in the window and I could hear him sigh irritatedly.

I decided to walk over to him and ask if he worked there. 

I walked up behind him and hesitantly poked his shoulder to get his attention. His head swiftly looked back causing me to flinch. He looked a little surprised himself at the sudden unknown person standing behind him.

"Oh, sorry, I didn't mean to startle you, but, do you happen to work here?" I asked in the nicest tone I could pull of, in which he gave me a glare and spoke.

"Do I look like I'm wearing work clothes!?" He said in a harsh yet annoyed tone. He did have a point though, he didn't really look like he worked there considering he had a pair of black jeans and an oversized shirt on. I could feel my cheeks turn red of embarrassment.

"You don't have to be so rude you know, and I didn't notice your clothes!" I snapped back, who does this guy think he is? 

When I looked back up at him he still wore the same death glare, and there was a awkward silence between us in which I broke by asking him a question that further annoyed him.

"Soo, are you here to get an apartment key to?"

"Do you have to ask so many questions? God, its really fucking annoying." I flinched at the sudden harsh tone, and sighed a heavy sigh.

I decided to wait I little longer next to the white haired boy. I examined him some and noticed he had ocean blue eyes and snow white skin that looked really soft, he looked about 5,7 and you could tell he had a nice body just by looking at him. I didn't really notice this when I first saw him, he was beautiful.

I think he caught me staring at him because he waved his hand in front of my face and flicked my forehead. The sudden contact hurt and I rubbed were it stung. 

"What are you staring at? I panicked a little, surprised he caught me.

"I- er- you had something on your head." I stuttered out. He rolled his eyes and said, "Why didn't you say anything?"

"Er, I don't know." I replied, and just before he could say anything else, a man with black hair and glasses approached us.

"Hello, you must be the new to the building, I'm sorry for keeping you waiting, would you like your apartment keys?" He asked nicely.

"Yes please!" I replied trying match his kindness. "Sure I guess." The male beside me said annoyed.

"Ok, hold on just a minute." He gave us a warm smile before going to unzip a pouch he had at his side. "Alright so you have apartment 304 right?" He asked the guy beside me. "Ye-" "Wait, but I have 304." I said confused.

"Thats not possible dumbass you probably have your number cofused." I sighed at his response. "Mr, can you check our apartment numbers?" I asked nicely. He nodded his head, going into the building and coming out with a clip board. "Lets see-" He said sliding his index finger down the board.

"It looks like you both have 304." He said looking back up at us in confusion.

"WHAT?!" I heard the male beside me scream.



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