~Chapter 3~

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"Hey Killua!" Gon exclaimed walking out of his bedroom. I rolled my eyes and continued what I was doing. 

"What is that?!" He asked as I covered it with my hand. "Hey! Idiot get away I'm not done!" I yelled. "And didn't I tell you not to talk to me." I mumbled. He rolled his eyes and sat next me on the floor. 

"Hey Killua?"

"What?" I asked glaring at him a bit, I was getting annoyed at this point, it was weird how he was acting like we were buddy's when I hated him and he knew that.

"Oh, well, we need to get some furniture, and, I was wondering if you wanted to go pick some stuff out." He said hesitantly.

"Why do you want to shop for furniture when you'll be gone soon?"

It didn't make sense that he wanted to get furniture and stuff when he would be gone.

"Huh? Oh well, I don't know, I kind of forgot I had to leave, so, neverminded I guess." He said a bit sad rubbing the back of his neck. I kind of felt bad, maybe I should get some stuff, I did need clothes, and it wouldn't hurt to get a new table. 

Just as he was about to walk away I grabbed his arm. In which he flinched at the sudden contact.

"I, er, neverminded." I said turning away.

"Wait! Please tell me." He asked, I sighed.

"I, um, guess I'll go get furniture, um, with you." I mumbled.

"What was that?" He teased.

"Hey quite it before I change my mind!" I yelled. He chuckled and went to get ready.

                                                    (At the store)

"Oooooo! This ones nice! Oh, or this one!" He said to himself, it was really weird, he has problems or something. 

I walked around a bit not knowing what to do, it seemed like Gon had it under control on what to get so I didn't bother to help. He actually has good taste considering the way he dresses. I mean, all he wears is green, its like his whole closet isn't any other color.


After we got a table and couch we went to the clothing store. I looked through the shoes and pants, but found nothing of my liking. I also looked at the shirts and all they had were plain t-shirts that I, personally didn't like. Just as I was walking into another area of the store. Gon ran up to me holding up a green jacket that looked similar to the one he was wearing. He held it up to my face as if asking for approval.

"What?" I asked.

"How's it look?" If I was being honest, I didn't like it at all, it had green with a brown trim, and it looked almost identical to the one he was wearing.

"Um, Gon?"


"Do you wear any color other than fucking green?" I asked, he frowned at my comment and finally spoke.

"As a matter of fact I do!" He said, almost sounding a bit proud.

"Oh really? And what is that?" I said sarcastically raising an eyebrow.

"Well, there's this one black tank top I wear sometimes. Oh! And a white one two!"

I hit my forehead with the palm of my hand.

"Gon, thats not what I meant." I sighed.

"Oh, then what do you mean?!" He asked.

"Neverminded, you already answered the question anyway." I said aloud. Maybe I should pick out some different clothes for him.

"Stay here, I'll be back." I said as I walked off to go find some sort of color clothes other than green.

(Gon's POV)

I waited for what felt like hours until I saw Killua walking over with a pile of clothes. Thats what I was waiting on? Clothes!? I mentally face palmed and walked towards him.

"What's all that for?" I asked.


"Huh what?" I said a bit confused, I mean, I definitely had enough clothes, why would I need more, and there all different colors to.

"You heard me, there for you, since all you wear is green." He said flatly. I frowned.

"I think I'm good." I said putting my hands up and pushing the clothes away slightly.

"No, I think you need them, you obviously don't have anything else but green. No wonder you don't have a girlfriend." 

Heh, I don't like girls so it doesn't matter. I wonder if he's gay or not. He's probably straight. Not that I cared if he liked boys or not! 

I felt my cheeks redden at the sudden thought, and he obviously saw considering he made a comment about it.

"Um, are you sick?" He asked putting a hand on my forehead causing my to redden even more.

"N-no! I'm just hot, thats all." I stuttered a bit. How embarrassing.

"Hmm, ok." He said, not believing what I told him.

"Go try these on." He said handing me the pile of clothes and gesturing towards the changing rooms. I sighed walking over and telling the person working there how many clothes I had.

"I'm sorry sir, but we only allow 12 pieces of clothing a time. They said, smiling at me. I sighed heavily and gave half the stack to Killua.

I came out in a pair of blue jeans with the cuffs rolled up, and a really colorful button up shirt, which I decided to tuck into the pants. 

"Its.. Different." I said, looking in the mirror.

"Its certainly better than the green clothes you have." He said in a bitter tone. I rolled my eyes and turned back towards the changing rooms.


Once I was done trying on the clothes Killua had gotten me, we payed for them and went home to set up our new furniture, or should I say HIS new furniture.

While we drove back to the apartment I decided to pull out the new book I had gotten. It wasn't much, but it was still good enough for me!

"Don't read you'll get car sick." Killua said as I read the first couple pages.

"Since when did you care that I feel sick or not." I asked.

"I don't, I just don't want puke in MY car." He spat back.

I rolled my eyes and continued to read, ignoring his request. I could see him from the corner of my eye glare at me and turn back at the road.


We decided to order pizza again since we stayed up late shopping and putting the furniture where we wanted it to go. As we were waiting I decided I should probably put my clothes away and shower.

So I got up and walked towards my room.

"What are you doing?" I heard a familiar voice say from behind me.

"Putting my things away and showering." I said as I stopped in my tracks. I could feel my cheeks heat up from how close he was. I decided to turn around and to my surprise his face was really close. Our noses were almost touching, and I could feel my heart rate increase. Why?

After what felt like a few seconds he finally spoke up.

"Ok, just make sure not to use all of the hot water." He said before turning back around to walk towards the kitchen.

That was weird. I shrugged it off turning towards my room and putting my stuff away.

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