~Chapter 33~

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I decided to move out by the end of the week, I didn't have much stuff so it'd be pretty easy, although I have to keep going to my classes until I leave. 

Everything was to stressful these days, no wonder aunt mito told me not to move so far away.

But I guess you learn from your mistakes, and liking Killua, was a big one. I'm still confused about the whole situation, but I'm tired of being treated like a toy he can just do whatever he wants to. I even lost my virginity to him.

How could I have been so stupid as to have sex with him? I have no idea, I guess I should have listened to him from the beginning, and not live with him in the first place.

I sighed, looking at the math work sheet in front of me. I hated math. Kurapika was already do with his test, and refused to help me, which sucked.

"Ok class, please hand me your worksheets, and after you may go." Mr. Paradinight said, getting up from his seat and standing by the black board. 

I groaned, I wasn't even done with mine.

I waited until hoard of students cleared out to turn mine in and walk to my next class.

(Killua POV)

I decided to stay home today, considering I looked like absolute shit, and really didn't want to talk to Gon.

I guess I was being pretty selfish, and I know I am. Thats why I didn't want to see Gon, I should have just left him with the apartment by himself.

I hope he doesn't get depressed or anything.

I sighed, getting up from my bed and heading towards the bathroom to take a shower, giving me time to think.

After I was done showering I got dressed and ready for the day, sitting on the coach. It was already 4:00, so Gon should be home soon, unless he want to a friends house, but I doubt he did. But before I could question it any further, Gon walked in, not even making eye contact or anything as he passed me.

He was probably going to finish packing, but I could tell he was pissed at me. Maybe I could explain a bit to him, but he probably wouldn't care, so I won't bother.

After a few minutes Gon came out of his room, and stood in the hallway, looking at me.

"I hope you know how much of an ass you are." He glared, looking as if he was going to cry again. "You probably don't even understand how much you mean to me, because you seem to act as if I don't have feelings, and you use me, like a toy, you do whatever you want and whenever you feel like it." He started, looking me straight in the eyes.

"Your the first person I've had sex with, you know that right? I lost my virginity to you, and now you tell me how homophobic your parents are? You should have done that before we did all the things we did. You should have said that before we even kissed for the first time." I could see a couple tears escape his eyes, which he soon wiped away.

"I'm sorry, I-" before I could say anymore Gon interrupted me. "No, stop with the sorrys, your so such a fucking dick, I have feelings, I'm a person, don't act as if saying sorry will help." He yelled slightly, causing me to flinch a bit.

I stayed quite as I watched him walk back to his room, carrying a couple bags of stuff.

"I'm leaving now. Bye." He said, opening the door and heading out with his bags, I couldn't help but notice another person outside the door, they had blonde hair but thats all I noticed before he closed the door.

Thats when I started crying, tears streaming down my already red face. My eye's hurt, I'd already cried so much that day. I knew I told Gon to leave, but it hurt. It hurt more than anything, and I couldn't help but cry.

I'm not sure how Gon was feeling right now. But I could only imagine how he felt. I hurt him to, I didn't want to, but I had no choice.

(Gon's POV)

After my classes I went and grabbed my stuff, interacting with Killua a bit before heading out the door with my stuff.

Kurapika helped me with my things, and we put them in the car.

"So your really leaving, huh?" He said, shutting the trunk and looking at me. I sighed. "Yeah.." I replied, holding back the tears I had.

"That really sucks, you were the only person that would sit by me." He said, letting out a huff of air.

"I guess this is goodbye." I said, opening the car door, but before I went in, Kurapika pulled me into a tight hug, not letting go for awhile, and I hugged back with just as much force.

"Please be safe." He said, giving me a soft but worried look. "Don't worry, I will." I said, climbing in the car, and watching Kurapika get into his and drive away.

Thats when I started breaking down. I knew this was going to happen. I couldn't stop crying, it was frustrating, having to leave the person you love, because they don't want to deal with the consequences' of their family.

I had a hope, deep down that Killua would just change his mind and I'd see him walk through the apartment doors coming to tell me he loved and that he changed his mind. But of course that was unrealistic, and its foolish of me to even hope that..

(Killua's POV)

Gon's finally gone. The house felt empty, and I was already lonely, and really sad. I decided to check Gon's room, and see if its empty, so I walked down the hall to were his room was.

There wasn't much in here, just a couple wrappers, and a pair of shoes, I'm assuming he forgot. Just the sight of something he left makes me more depressed.

I sighed, closing the door and heading to my room, I wondered if another scam would happen, maybe someone else would live here, but I doubt it. I don't even want a roommate.

I could always have Alluka stay here, although no ones in contact with her.

Everything felt so empty, and plain. It felt like there was a void in my chest, something missing. I guess I'd gotten so used to Gon conversating with me that it just feels weird without him.

I decided to check the window, to see if he was still there, but no one. He had already left, and went back home, were he'd probably get a boyfriend, and have a happy life.

It was never meant to be, and I knew that, yet I still seemed to chose the path that would hurt us both in terrible ways.

I dont know if I'll ever see you again gon, but just know that it was never your fault, and thats why I never should have let you in my heart knowing that we can never be anything but strangers...


The end! (See the next chapter for important notes)

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