~Chapter 7~

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The day went by fine and its seems Gon found someone to talk to, which was good because that meant he wouldn't talk to me, but I still didn't forgot about the rule he broke.

(Gon's POV)

The day went by great! I actually made a friend, maybe Killua will let me have him over sometime. I really hope so. 

I have to move within a year, maybe Kurapika will let me stay with him. Of course I wouldn't just ask him right off the bat, I would wait a couple months before I would do so, and let us become better friends, because I highly doubt he would say yes now, I mean, were practically strangers. 

I don't really know much about Killua though, so I guess were kind of strangers to, I wonder were his parents are. Unlike me, Killua probably knows everything about me, mostly because I just talk on and on about my life and my favorite things when were out in the living room, but I doubt he actually listens to what I'm talking about.

Once I reach the apartment, I see Killua sitting on the coach reading a book.

"Hey Killua!" I say, in which he gives me a dirty look and continues to read.

"What are you reading?" I ask jumping on the coach beside him.

"Quite asking questions." He says sternly, I roll my eyes, already knowing thats what he'd say considering he says it everyday.

I grab the remote and turn on the tv scrolling through the channels until I found something that looked interesting.

After about an hour of sitting watching whatever the hell I put on, I decided to go into my room, and grab my drawing pad and pencil. Thats when I also here Killua walk towards his room and shut the door.

I walked back out and went towards the coach getting comfortable. I started to draw until I heard the door to Killua's room open

Killua came out of his room wearing some shirt that was 10x his size. I started to blush like crazy and my heart started to race as he walked towards the coach. Were both boys, so why do I feel this way? Its not like it mattered if he was only in a shirt and I'm guessing his underwear? 

I quickly looked away from him trying to focus on my drawing but I couldn't. I mean, who could when your roommate was sitting right next you looking like that?

"Hey Gon." I heard Killua say, startling me.

I started to panic not knowing what to say.

"U-um, er, uh, y-yes Killua?" I stuttered. God damnit what's wrong with me?

"You seem nervous, is something wrong?" He asked scooting closer.

"U-uh, no! N-nothings wrong, n-not at all!" I said, stuttering some more.

"Ok, whatever you say." He said. Killua's being oddly nice right now. I wonder what he's getting at. I looked at him a bit suspicious.

"Well, I was wondering if you maybe wanted to play a game." He said, thats weird, Killua never wants to do anything with me.

"W-why?" I ask, stuttering a bit more.

He shrugged. 

"Just cause." He answered casually.

"O-ok. Like what?" I asked, scared he's trying something.

"How about... Truth or Dare!" He said.

That shouldn't be to bad, right?

"Ok, but no weird things, ok?"

"Ok. You go first." He said.

"O-ok, truth or dare?"

"Hmm, I'll go with, truth first." He answered plainly.

"Ok, uh, how are your parents?" I asked, and I was genuinely curious because he never really talked much about them.

He frowned a bit at my question, but soon answered.

"They're both assholes I guess, nothing much to say." He shrugged.

"Oh." I answered plainly, not wanting ask about it further.

"Anyway Gon, truth or dare?" He asked.


I didn't want to get some intense dare first thing, so I decided it would be best to stick with truth for the first round.

"Ok, what's your sexuality?" 


"You heard me."

I was kind of afraid to answer, what if he thought I was weird for being gay? No, I don't think so,  why would he ask the question if he would be weirded out.

"U-um, I-I'm gay..." I said, quiter than I wanted.


Just cool?

"Huh? Your not weirded out?" I asked.


"Oh!" I answered, a bit surprised. I mean, what did I except, for him to think I'm weird?

 Yeah, I did, thats why I was sort of surprised.

After a few more rounds of dumb dares and some truths, it was Killua's turn again.

"Ok Gon, truth, or dare." He asked.

"Dare." I said, since last time I picked truth,

"Ok, take off your pants."



"I said, take off your pants."

I can't believe what I'm hearing, I mean, he's got to be joking, right?

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