10° Horror! Dark Monsters!?

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A week later, as it's meant to be.)

Mine: Argh! Losing my cool, when I didn't even have it to begin with! Man, I can't take this anymore! '>O<'

Shikuna: What's happening?

She was playing a copying actions game, or something.)

Mine: Nothing! I'm fine! Just need to get away from all this misery for awhile... And the whole thing going on about Arigaoa... Soooo... wanna play my weird game?

Shikuna: Hmm... No... No thanks... I think I'll stay here watching you from the back because I'm only... lazy... and scared... *blushes*

Mine: Dang, I thought you said you wanted to play...

Shikuna: I changed my mind.

Mine: We're not forcing you but please... I just hope you do that...


Meanwhile, where Iken is located, some people have been perceiving an apt-all book.)

Iken: *takes it, holding a pencil at the same time*

A girl with black hair wearing a yellow colored dress without sleeves stopped by angrily. Her name is Ichine Sayu.)

Sayu: Hey! This book is mine! I saw it BEFORE you!

Iken: Uh...? My apologies but I had a longer time to react... And I don't think we've even met before.

Sayu: ...

Iken: You have no proof...

Sayu: Ah, but the pencil you're holding is pretty.

Iken: Thank you, I made it myself.

But it's too late, she took advantage of her kindness with the fake compliment, so the girl has already snatched the book and ran away with it.)

Sayu: It isn't pretty! I was joking!

Iken: Hmph.

Sayu: Tch! Everyone really sucks, huh?! *furious*

Iken: *a look of disbelief appeared on her face* That's not a nice thing to say, you know. *she caught her and pushed her, causing a wall to break* /Omg Iken/

Sayu: OUCH! AÏE!!!

Iken: It's such a special day today. I'll go for now, goodbye.

Sayu: Grr!

Nobody else tried to steal the book, the people were too afraid. An hour later, the book was already sold out, Iken didn't even tried to make a copy of it. She joined all the Cures left.)


Szoz: There is a new regime in the Yual World, pszoz.

Zip: Oh, what's it like, zippu?

Szoz: It's unstable, chaotic and very vulnerable to get destroyed. You should know because you were there when it's ruler was assassinated pszoz. Such cruelty...

Zameel: It must have been a while ago, it's impossible for a new regime since basically our world has nothing left, no one left, just survivors like us.

Szoz: That was about ten years actually, that's why I'm suggesting we get out of here as soon as possible, but we're already not here so it's for the best pszoz.

Zameel: Yeah, too much hate and rage around here.


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