43° Singing with orchestral notes!? Musically!

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https://downloads.khinsider.com/game-soundtracks/album/tomodachi-life-3ds/AR%2520Camera.mp3 is playing.)

Arigaoa: I want to remember since when I turned into a Pretty Cure.

Inuyama: Same, Inuyama already don't remember that...

Iken: Who knows that?

Shikuna: We all do.

Faith: Hmm... No, Shikuna.

Mine: *checks her phone*

Message from Konata:

Last sunday my step-sister was taken home for a broken arm.

She was immediately put under treatment.

Since she has been there, she was invited to join the Football School Club.

She will have to refuse because she isn't allowed to do physical exercises for a few months.

If she doesn't care, she will be brought back home again.

Mine: This isn't going well...

Me-chand: Ergh...

Arigaoa: Yes, Me-chand?

Me-chand: I'm scared.

Arigaoa: How come?

Me-chand: B-B-B-Bebes s-scare the heck out of me... And I want Christmas to come...

Arigaoa: Hold your breath, it's not good to stutter like that, you stutter more than Intel. Bebes aren't that scary.

Szoz: She's just always very sensitive, even if you improved her condition since long ago.

Zip: Girls, stop your stupidities already, I need you to go to another world.

Me-chand: But, but...

Zip: You heard me, zippu.

Arigaoa: She has a point. We really need to visit another world, let's go.

Shikuna: Agreed. Another world, here we go!

The music stops.)


They ended in a world of music, Musically. The cityscape was filled with tall buildings and lights of all colors. Inuit statues were seen everywhere, depicting Musically's ruler, the king, as a musically gifted person, he's an old man with a golden denture and a small crown. As for the rest of the world, it looked like it came from a fantasy novel.)

Arigaoa: Okay, we're finally here, look, I need to hear your reaction about this world.

The city was filled with people, and they all seemed to be enjoying themselves. Major Inuit music could be heard playing everywhere.)

Iken: In my humble opinion, this is a very intriguing place.

Inuyama: Cooler than I imagined, yay!

Shikuna was thinking.)

Shikuna: I wonder where is the king and if we are allowed to meet him.

Zameel: You can, but he's busy attending an opening ceremony right now.

Shikuna: What kind of opening ceremony?

Zameel: This is to commemorate his 60 years of reign. You see, he got very, very old, but he's still not retiring yet. So that's why that guy is very persistent. He's still in the palace, giving his speeches. And it's been so many years.

Shikuna: Hmm...

Iken: *pointing* There's a theatre building over here. It has all sorts of musicals. I heard it is only open for celebrities though.

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