Precure Miracle Heavenly Bodies

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The scene opens with a dazzling stage decorated with vibrant colors and sparkling lights. A lively tune fills the air as Cure Smart, adorned in her stunning transformation outfit, gracefully takes her position in front of the audience. She steps forward, her voice filled with excitement and gratitude.)

Cure Smart: Hai, hai! Good evening, everyone! Thank you so much for joining us tonight on this extraordinary occasion! We are thrilled to have you here as we embark on our very first movie adventure together!

The crowd erupts in applause and cheers, prompting the animal mascots, Szoz and Zameel, to bounce onto the stage.)

Szoz: Woohoo! Let's hear it for the amazing audience! You guys are the real stars tonight, pszoz.

Zameel: That's right, Szoz. And speaking of stars, we've got some magical surprises in store for you. But first, let us introduce ourselves. I'm Zameel, the sophisticated tiger with impeccable taste.

Szoz: And I'm Sparky, the energetic and lovable bunny who knows how to have a hopping good time, pszoz!

Cure Smart: Now, let us tell you about the incredible Miracle Lights, the secret behind our power. These magnificent sticks are not your ordinary lights. Oh no! The Pretty Cures are in danger! Quick, wave your Miracle Lights around and shout "Ganbare!" With just a flick of the wrist and a sprinkle of courage, you can help and cheer us during our most difficult fight.

Szoz: That's right, pszoz! But don't wave it too hard, or you'll risk hitting people next to you. And you know what's even more incredible? Each of these wands has a unique design and color that represents the heart of each Cure. It's like a colorful rainbow of friendship and strength!

Zameel: Oh, but the fun doesn't stop there, my dear viewers. You're not just here to sit and watch. We want ya to be a part of our adventure too. So, grab your... umm, what can they wave around, Szoz?

Szoz: Well, Zameel, let's give them some options! How about glow sticks, pom-poms, or even a pair of socks? I hear socks make for excellent cheering tools!

Zameel: Szoz, I think you've been raiding the laundry room again. But hey, if it gets the audience cheering, why not? So, grab your glow sticks, pom-poms, or socks and wave them with all your might to show your support for our Pretty Cure team!

Szoz: And remember, folks, the louder you cheer, the more magical power you send our way. So, let's make this theater shake with excitement, pszoz!

Cure Smart: That's enough, you two. I was talking about Miracle Lights, not random objects.

The crowd erupts once again, cheering and waving their Miracle Lights enthusiastically.)

Szoz: Oh, Zameel, look at them go! They're such an enthusiastic bunch. I wonder if anyone brought a pet goldfish to wave around.

Zameel: *laughs* Szoz, you always crack me up. But hey, if we see a goldfish flying through the air, we'll know who to blame.

Szoz: Oh, hush, you silly tiger! Let's enjoy this magical movie adventure with our amazing audience. Thank you for being here, pszoz!

The Pretty Cure and their mascots strike a final pose as the theater fills with anticipation for the movie to begin. The stage lights dim, and the screen comes alive...)


Arigaoa: Hey, you must've had a hard time recently in order to go to sleep already.

Yorini: Indeed, but it's still early. You must be tired too sis. We can watch one of your favorite shows for a bit until you get sleepy.

Arigaoa: The one with the lights? I don't think she'll be interested in that.

Yorini: Who?

Arigaoa: That girl, of course.

Yorini: Ah, yeah, she doesn't really watch that show anymore since she doesn't have many spare time anymore.

Arigaoa: Anyway, I wanna go outside, is mom there so I can ask the permission?

Yorini: Yup, she is. I'll go get her.

Arigaoa leaves the room and walks to where Koizuka normally is. But she's not there, so she goes to where she normally is. Now that she's paying attention it seems like there are more "empty" chairs than usual. She finally found her mom, her mom was strange.)

Arigaoa: Mom?!

Koizuka: *wheezes to laugh, feeling crazy*

Arigaoa: What's wrong? Are you okay?! I'll call the emergency!

Koizuka: *slow horrible yawn* AAAAAAaaaaah...!!!

Arigaoa: *shocked gasp and scream*

Camera out.)


Koizuka: Oh, it's you. How are you my daughter?A *absolute nonsense*

Arigaoa: W-What's going on with you?!

Koizuka: ... *crawling like a crazy person and lifting her arms high* AOAOLAALLKSKSSNLALALLSKSNNSNS MY MY MY MY!!!

Arigaoa: NO....! *running away outside while smashing the already broken door*

She stumbled upon people and passed through them, scared. It was disorder and chaos.)


Arigaoa: You, girls! It's me... Something horrible was going on.

Iken: What happened?

Arigaoa: My mom started screaming and acting weirdly. I didn't understand anything...

Inuyama: Wow, that's pretty awful...

Arigaoa: Of course it is! I was scared for my life.

Mine: Do you think another villain appeared? Lemme see...

Shikuna: Let's not think about that now, Mine. She was probably just sick.

Arigaoa: She wasn't sick...


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