36° This injection hurts! Inuyama created a species!? ・ω・

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Some time passed. Arigaoa and her friends are around. Inuyama is doing her yoga inside a building. Okiniri was with Arigaoa's friends.)

Okiniri: Sooooo, like, you want to make me get to know Inuyama?

Iken: Yes, please, touch me to know where she is (totally not a weird sentence at all).

Okiniri: Okay. *touches her*

Zip: Ooooh, Shakespeare...! *is probably mad like usual*

Okiniri: *she knew where she was, walked, and entered the building Inuyama was found*

Inuyama: *still doing her yoga, meditating*

Okiniri: Er... Hi... *is dumbfounded*

Inuyama: What's your problem?

Okiniri: I don't have a problem, but I thought I interrupted you.

Inuyama: Well, what do you want Inuyama to do?

Okiniri: I want to, like, become your friend.

Inuyama: What for?

Okiniri: Because I want to, another friend of yours told me to be your friend. *smiles*

Inuyama: Fine! You'll be my friend! *bouncing* Also, what's your other friend of yours?!

Okiniri: It's... Iken, I know I seem much more like you! I mean, I don't think of it like that! LOL!

Inuyama: LOL!

Okiniri: I'm Okiniri.

Inuyama: So nice to meet you! Yaaaaaaaaay! *runs, jumps and violently glomps her*

Okiniri: Aaaaaaah!

Inuyama: Eeek! I didn't mean to hurt you...

Okiniri: *looking away with a half-dead face* ...

Inuyama: *now shakes her* Hmm, hmm. S......Sorry.

A pocket thing was seen, it had creatures inside.)

Okiniri: Huh, what is it?

Inuyama: Inuyama doesn't really know... but Inuyama will put it away. *she got up and did*

Okiniri: What does it do? *gets up too and tries to open it*

Inuyama: Inuyama doesn't know! Just, like, don't touch it!

Okiniri: What is it?

Inuyama: Inuyama still doesn't know, just don't touch it! Excuse me... Inuyama has to go with the girls! *worried*

Okiniri: You'll come back right?

Inuyama: Of course. *she left*

Okiniri: Strange... *she also left*


Inuyama: Hey peeps! Inuyama has found something, SOMETHING! Look! *creatures were seen from a pocket bag, Inuyama apparently created them!

Arigaoa: *she and her friends looked at them*

Shikuna: Why did you create them? They're actually cute but...

Inuyama: Inuyama doesn't know! Inuyama decided to cool myself down with yoga and then they appeared.

Iken: If they would have appeared by themselves then how did you make them?

Inuyama: Inuyama just thought of them! They're creatures that could totally live in other worlds.

Shikuna was about to touch them.)

Inuyama: Wait don't touch them! Also, Inuyama must go to the nearby clinic later, but Inuyama still have time you see!

Shikuna: So? What are these things?

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