Chapter Twelve: I fell for the one person I can't be with

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After eating and talking for hours straight, Corbyn suddenly gets up and takes off his shirt. I blush at the sight of his bare chest, and quickly turn my head away to hide my burning cheeks.

"What are you gonna do?" I can't hide the curiosity in my voice.

"I'm gonna take a swim, the weather's beautiful," he answered, and I feel alarm bells going off in my mind. I need to say something, even if it's gonna make me feel embarrassed. The last thing I want is to get in the water.

Before I can explain why, Corbyn takes my hand and pulls me up. "And you're coming with me."

I sputter, but it doesn't matter. "The water seems kinda cold," I try finding an excuse.

"Nonsense, it's perfect." He tries guiding me into the water, but as soon as my feet touch the water, I flinch. I quickly pull away my hand and takes a few steps backwards.

The smile on his face makes place for a confused expression, and I know I can't get out of this anymore without explaining myself.

"Corbyn, I can't swim."

For a moment he stays silent, but then he smiles again. "Then I'll teach you how to."

"I don't know if that's a good idea..," I hesitate. I'm certainly not in the mood to drown.

He ignores my previous words and takes my hand again. His bright eyes show no pity or contempt, only understanding.

"Do you trust me?"


I truly do, even when I'm not supposed to.

"Then follow me." He guides me into the water, until it reaches my waist. Not one moment I stop looking in his eyes, nor let go off his hands. I don't care about my dress getting soaking wet, all I care about is his hands in mine.

"So now, you're gonna stop touching the bottom with your feet and let your body float on the water. I'll make sure you don't sink."

I slowly nod, as I do what he says. I close my eyes, take my feet off the bottom, and float. I can feel corbyn's hand softly touching my back, making sure my body doesn't drown.

"I got you." he said with a soft voice.

"That felt amazing," I mumble, as I get up again.

"We can go even deeper in the water."

And before I can even say anything, he lifts up my body and wraps my legs around his waist. I throw my hands around his neck, holding on to him, so I don't lose my balance. He starts swimming even further from the shore, but I don't even notice how far away we are. All I see is him.

Suddenly he stops, and brushes away some lose hair out of my face. He lifts my chin up with his fingers, so our gazes connect. It feels like the whole world is disappearing, I'm lost in his eyes. Instinctively I start leaning in, and close my eyes, until I feel his lips against mine.

I can feel my body melting against his, as I completely lose myself in his kiss. Fireworks explode in my head, I've never experienced such feelings like this for someone. I don't ever want this moment to end.

But then we slowly break up our kiss. "Well, that was..," Corbyn whispered, still strongly holding on to my thighs, giving me the support I need.

"Magical," I add with a smile.

"You have no idea how long I have been wanting to do it. Kiss you. From the first time I saw you, when you arrived and stepped out of that car, I knew you were it for me. I just knew. You didn't even have to say anything, it was my heart telling me you were special." He takes my hand and puts in on his chest, right on his heart.

"And that night, when I walked into the library and saw you sitting there, I knew my heart was right. Your eyes flickered in the light and your smile was brighter than every other I had ever seen, and I knew I had fallen. I had fallen so damn hard for you."

I slowly gulp, trying to hold back my tears that are starting to well up in my eyes.

"And the night after that, I wanted to kiss you. I wanted to do it, and even after my dad interrupted us and yelled at me, I still wanted to do it. You slipped right into my head, and I couldn't get you out of it. All I could think about was you. About how badly I wanted to spend every single moment of a day with you."

"And here we are now..," I softly whisper, putting our foreheads together. "Corbyn, all I want is to be with you. Only you."

I don't even know if I'm lying or not.

He sighs with relief. "That's all I wanted to hear you say. Because I feel the same, Liz. I want you. Only you." His smile brightens his whole face, and I feel a tear rolling down my cheeks. And yet again, I don't know if it's a happy one or not.

Time skip

Hand in hand we walk through the hallway, after an amazing day together. Corbyn insisted on dropping me off, so that's what we're doing. We stop at my room, and I let go of his hand so I can take my key to open my door. Only he clearly doesn't want me to do that, and takes my hand back to pull me close to his body again. With my hands on his chest I press my lips against his, as they move in sync together. I try printing every single moment in my brain, because I know this isn't gonna last.

"Alright, I really have to go now," I whisper.

"Can I see you tomorrow?" He softly rubs my cheek with his thumb.

"Of course, I'll see you tomorrow," I mumble, as I give him a last kiss, trying to blink away my tears. I quickly turn my head away so he can't see my eyes filled with water, and enter my room, closing the door behind me.

Christina, Jonah and Zach are sitting in our room, laughing about something, but the laughter dies when they see me. The concerned look on their faces make me unable to hold back my tears, and as they start flowing down my cheeks, I feel my body collapsing on the floor. The three of them immediately rush to me and try making me calm down, but my body keeps shaking. Jonah puts my head on his lap, and Christina and Zach keep stroking my hair trying to comfort me, but it doesn't work. Sobs keep leaving my body, as my heart breaks into tiny little pieces.

I don't even have to say what's going on, they already know.

I fell for the one person I can't be with. And now I have to betray him, and destroy his life.

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