Chapter Three: These people aren't like us

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With the little stuff we have packed in bags, we're ready to enter the teal world, and face the biggest challenge of our lives. While waiting to be picked up to leave the dome, I'm feeling myself getting more nervous every minute.

Biting my lip I look around to all the people who've showed up to wave us goodbye, but probably are just curious about what's gonna happen when the gate to the real world opens. After all, no one has ever left this place. Until now.

Jonah notices my tick, and starts chuckling. He knows when I'm biting my lip, I'm freaking out. He then walks up to me, wraps his arms around me, and pulls me close to his chest. I notice my tight shoulders loosening up a little, stress leaving my body.

"Hey, it's gonna be okay. We can do this, as long as we have each other," he whispered. After a little while I feel Christina's arms around me as well, together with Zach's, so we're now tightly tangled in a group hug. Jonah's right. Together, we got this.

That's until a bright light flashes, and without anyone even noticing, the gate has been opened, but closed as well. A fancy looking black limousine has appeared, destined to transport us. The driver, wearing a suit that probably costs more than all the money I've ever owned combined, gets out of the car and lets us know in one gaze we don't have much time, and must leave immediately.

My mother quickly rushes to us, and hands our bags to the driver. I'm surprised there isn't more security with him. After all, this is the home of the criminals. I guess they really think we're taking this shot of bettering our lives.

Mother then turns to us, looking disapprovingly at our embrace. "Stop being such babies and get your asses in that car."

The others quickly rush away to their parents to say goodbye, until it's just me and my mom who are left.

"Eliza." She takes my chin in her hand to look me in my eyes, her gesture more hard-handed than it should be. "Don't disappoint me. You have a mission, so don't let anything distract you. Focus on your goal and make your people proud."

"I won't let you down, Mother. I promise."

For a moment it looks like she wants to hug me, but then she realises who she is. Quickly she rushes away, without looking back. I sigh. I didn't expect much more from her.

Christina pops up beside me and puts her hand on my shoulder, to let me know we have to leave. Taking a deep breath, I look around one last time to my former home, and then take Christina's hand. She squeezes my fingers a little as we take place in the enormous car, the boys following our lead.

One last time I look back, to say goodbye to the place I grew up in. It was tough sometimes, but it was still my home. My home I have to leave.

The car starts, and even faster than it arrived, it leaves again. Before we know it, we've left the dome and arrived in the real world. The four of us instantly look outside the windows of the car, because there's so much to see. Places to eat, to meet up, to shop, everything. It's a dream world. at least, for people who have this kind of dream. We don't.

And I have to get that clear. "Guys, let's get everything straight before we arrive," I declare to the others, at a soft volume so the driver doesn't hear us. "We have a goal, which we will fulfill. Our parents, no, our people are counting on us. We have a responsibility, so we can't mess this up. Keep your eyes at your aim, and don't let anything distract you, how tempting it can be. These people aren't like us, they despise us. Keep that in mind."

They all nod, as Christina puts her hand in the middle, so we can join her gesture. "We can do this," she smiled.

After fifteen minutes of driving through the town, we arrive at an enormous building, decorated with flags and banners.

"Besson's Preparatory School." Zach reads the gigantic letters on the building, and makes a gagging sound, causing us all to laugh. The driver overhears and gives us a warning look, making us shut up real quick.

The car stops and some people in fancy clothes open the doors, so we can get out. Christina and I glance at each other, and I gulp slowly. I decide to leave the car first, so people immediately know I'm in charge. That's what the others told me to do. Letting everyone know they shouldn't mess with me.

I take my first step on ground that isn't in the dome, and immediately get blinded by the burning sun. Looking around I see thousands of people waiting for us, staring at every step we take, but still cheering because of our arrival.

I can feel myself already getting embarrassed, but I know that's not the image I can afford giving people. So that's why I put my nose up in the air, cross my arms and act like I know what I'm doing. Which I don't.

The others, who have by now left the car as well, instantly get what I'm doing and decide to act tough as well. Christina even takes off her leather jacket and drapes it over her shoulder, making me having trouble holding my laugh. She looks like the coolest chick these people will ever see in their lives.

"Welcome to Besson's Preparatory School!" A tall, blond boy in an awfully fancy suit walks up to us. He tries greeting me with an embrace, but Jonah and Zach quickly take a defensive step in front of me.

I chuckle because of their defensive gesture. "Guys, it's okay. Let's see what they have to say."

"Uh, I'm sorry." The boy clearly feels very uncomfortable, maybe even intimated. "Like I was saying, welcome to Besson's Preparatory School. I promise you're gonna like it here." He widely smiled.

"We'll see about that," Christina loudly scoffed, as we all chuckle. These people may think they can easily manipulate us, but they're messing with the wrong ones.

"I'm Corbyn Besson, son of Ray Besson, the headmaster of this school, but also major of the town. He's really sorry he couldn't be here to welcome you, but he had a lot of work to do."

I quickly glance at the others, and they immediately get my message. This guy could be a really important one in our mission.

He holds up his hand to me, probably so I can shake it, so I guess I'll have to do that. Slowly I shake his hand, while looking at him from head to toe. He's not unattractive, I'm not gonna lie, but such a preppy and snobby guy. He probably has staff to brush his teeth and tie his shoelaces.

"My name's Liz Clark, and these are Christina Marie, Zach Herron and Jonah Marais." I start to look around more, to see what we're dealing with, and feel embarrassed again. With our leather jackets and ripped jeans we don't exactly fit in with these people wearing expensive dresses and smoothed out suits.

I decide to play nice, so people won't get suspicious. "Could we please go to our rooms, so we could freshen up? We've had a long trip, and would like some privacy to get some rest." And to outline our mission.

"Of course, we picked the best rooms out for you, you're gonna love them. We have one for the two girls, and one for the boys. In the same hallway of course, so you're never too far away from each other." The guy takes four keys out of the pocket of his pants, and hands them to each one of us. Before he can even give an order, staff comes running to the car and picks up our bagage.

The four of us look at each other, shrug and decide to just follow those people. Hopefully they'll lead us to our rooms. To our new lives.

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