Chapter Two: We don't belong there

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"They chose you four. Tomorrow, you'll move out of the dome and start a new life. Outside."

For a moment we're all stunned. People leaving the dome? That has never happened before. And why does it have be us?

"What the hell? No way I'm going to some boarding school filled to the brim with snobs who'll look at us like we're pieces of garbage." I quavered.

Christina quickly joins me, clearly not amused by this either. "I would rather dump myself in a pool of acid, than live outside of the dome."

"What are we even gonna do there? We have never been to school, we know nothing. Absolutely nothing." Jonah adds.

"We don't belong there. We belong in here." Zach concluded.

Of course our parents don't seem impressed, they probably expected these reactions. "You're going, end of this discussion. This will be our chance to finally be free." A sly smile appears on my mother's mouth.

"What do you mean? You don't get to come with us, I assume." I scoff. Who even came up with this idea? It's a recipe for disaster if you ask me. I mean, realising four children who grew up with nothing but violence and crime?

"No, but you can help us to get out of this place." When she realizes I still have no clue, she continues. "As you know, the mayor of our town is the only one who can open or close the dome. He's the only one who has the code," she explained.

Of course we know that. Ray Besson is the most hated man in the entire dome. And that says a lot, because hate is a common emotion in here. That man is the reason we're all stuck here.

"Coincidentally, he's also the headmaster of the school you'll be attending. You four have to find a way to get that code from him, so you can free everybody in the dome."

For a moment we're all silent, but then noise breaks loose. Is she really serious?

"How the hell are we gonna do that?" Jonah threw his hands up.

"Yeah, it's not like the code is written on his forehead," Zach joked, as I nudge him in his ribs. He never knows when to make a joke, and when not.

"The code is being kept in a safe. That safe you'll find in a museum, the biggest one of the town. In a few weeks, there will be a huge gathering in that museum to celebrate the fifty years of existence of this town, to which you all will be invited . Your job is to break into the safe at that gathering." Zach's parents start rambling until we can't even keep up anymore. If someone knows about breaking into sealed places, it's the Herrons.

I cross my arms, not impressed by the plan. "If this gathering is a big deal, which it probably is, loads of people will be there, including ton of security. How can we possibly break into a safe without anyone noticing?"

"And if we have to leave tomorrow, we don't even have time to learn how to break into a safe and stuff like that. We're not gonna be able to do it." Christina already starts panicking.

"I don't care how you're gonna do it, just get that code." Mother hissed.

"So you don't care, huh? You're just gonna send four kids on what's basically a suicide mission?" I scoff.

Before my mom can react, Zach's dad jumps in. "You just have to use the knowledge you have from living here. Jonah knows how to falsify things, Christina can knock people out by making drugs, Zachary has been breaking into stuff since he can walk, and you, Eliza, are gonna be the perfect leader of this operation."

"Me? A leader? No way." I gulp.

"Dad's right. If we have to do this, we need someone to guide us. And who could be better at that than you," Zach claimed.

"I don't know if I can handle that pressure." I mutter nervously, picking my nails.

"Don't be such a baby, you have to. You have no other choice," Mother scoffed. "The faith of us all is in your hands, so you better not screw this up."

It's silent for a second. "Well, I guess we're leaving the dome then.." The words leave my mouth in a whisper.

This is gonna be the biggest challenge of our lives.

𝐖𝐄 𝐖𝐄𝐑𝐄 𝐁𝐎𝐑𝐍 𝐓𝐇𝐈𝐒 𝐖𝐀𝐘 ~ 𝒄𝒎𝒃Where stories live. Discover now