Chapter Seventeen: This is gonna hurt for the both of us

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I can already see Corbyn waiting from a distance, at the place we agreed to meet each other. I can tell he's nervous, his tense shoulders and furrowed brows give it away. I don't blame him though, I feel the exact same, nerves rushing through my body.

As I walk up closer to him, he still hasn't noticed me, so I clear my throat. He turns around, and the minute he sees me, his eyes soften. I can tell he's hesitating to hug me, but instead of waiting to see what he's gonna do, I put my arms around him myself.

He sighs relieved, and digs his nose in my neck. I sniff his familiar scent, one that always makes me feel safe. He pulls me close even tighter, like he's afraid if he lets go of me, I'll leave.

He finally breaks up our embrace, and brushes some hair behind my ear. I chuckle a little, I adore it when he does that. His eyes are so full of emotions, touches of fear and hurt flash by, but love predominates.

"I was so scared I was gonna lose you," he softly whispered. "I felt awful knowing you were humiliated and hurt, and it was all my family's fault." He turns his head away from me, clearly ashamed about what happened.

I cup his cheeks in my hands to make him look at me again. "Hey, don't feel guilty. Like you said yourself, it was your family's fault, not yours. You tried to make Jordan stop, I know you did."

"I'm sorry I wasn't able to make him shut up. I wish I took an example from Jonah. I should've punched my brother myself." He runs his fingers through his hair.

"Yeah, I'm sorry about what Jonah did. When it comes to his family, he has no self control. He's way too protective."

"No, he was the only one who had the balls to make Jordan shut up," Corbyn protested.

"Yeah, I guess so.." I dig the tip of my shoe into the ground.

Corbyn takes my hands, and I look up into his shining eyes. "I'm really sorry about what he said, especially that thing about your mother. He's an absolute jerk."

"It's okay, I'm used to it. I'm the daughter of a criminal, you know? That comes with hearing those things." I sigh. " I don't even care about that anymore, the thing that worried me the most was that I was afraid you were gonna start believing what he said. It wouldn't be the first time someone did."

"What? That's absolutely ridiculous. Liz, I know you're nothing like your mother. You're a good person. You would never try to hurt someone on purpose."

Those words make a sharp pain sting in my heart. What would he think of me if he knew what I'm planning behind his back?

That's the most stupid question I've ever heard. I know he would hate my guts.

"But still, you wouldn't be the first one to think that. People can be small-minded," I answer instead.

"Well, good thing I'm not, so don't you worry about that." He smiled widely. "You know, I actually wanted to ask you something."

"Go ahead."

"You know in a few weeks there will be a gathering to celebrate the fifty years of existence of the town, and I wanna take you as my date," he stated officially.

Phase one succeeded. "I would love that, it seems like a pretty big deal, and I've always wanted to experience a real party," I rejoice with a wide grin.

"But are you sure that's a good idea? Jordan and your parents will be there, so maybe taking me as your date isn't the best thing to do.."

Although this is an important step in our mission, causing another fight would ruin our plan. It would only bring attention to us.

"I don't care about them. I haven't even spoken to them since they acted like complete jerks. I'm done acting like their behavior is okay," he scoffed.

"Corbyn, I don't wanna cause any trouble between you and your family. That's truly the last thing I want," I mutter, looking down.

"Hey, Liz, this doesn't have anything to do with you." This time it's his turn to softly take my chin. "This just made me realize I don't wanna be like others. I don't wanna be a person who hates on people just because their family did something wrong. You don't do that, you still look at me like I'm a good person, even though my family messed up, so why wouldn't I?" He slowly puts our foreheads together.

"Thank you, Corbyn. For being who you are. Thank you," I whisper, as our lips slowly connect.

This is gonna hurt. For the both of us.

𝐖𝐄 𝐖𝐄𝐑𝐄 𝐁𝐎𝐑𝐍 𝐓𝐇𝐈𝐒 𝐖𝐀𝐘 ~ 𝒄𝒎𝒃Where stories live. Discover now