Chapter Sixteen: Does this change anything for us

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That night, after we finally realized it was time to stop thinking these people are good, we worked out our plan. Our plan to get the code, and free our people.

We know it's gonna be difficult. We'll have to be secure and careful, and lie our asses off. But I know we can do it. We have to.

The next morning we're still perfecting our plan. We didn't even sleep, because we knew this is more important.

"So, let's get through it one more time." I tap my pen against my notebook. "At exact midnight, the mission starts. Then it's your time to shine, Zach." I look at the brown-haired boy.

He grins, but immediately gets serious again, after I give him a strict look.

"You'll have to get on the podium and start giving a speech, so we have enough time to work out our plan. I'll tell Corbyn I'm not feeling well and want to get out of the crowd, and convince him to take me to the part of the museum where the safe is. I'll tell him I'm really interested in the history of the dome, and wants to see where the code is kept."

"Once we're in, I'll knock him out and snatch the code. In the meanwhile, Jonah will be on look-out, and Christina will follow us from a distance for when something goes wrong. She'll have a tissue with chloroform in her pocket, for when Corbyn senses something is off and doesn't want to open the safe. That way, we can still make him unconscious and use his fingerprint."

"When we have the code, we go to the in advance agreed place, where Zach will be waiting for us. Then we'll just have to run to the dome. It's only a matter of time until they find Corbyn unconscious, and realize somebody broke into the safe, so we'll have to be quick." I look around, and they all nod. We have a plan. Now we just have to succeed it.

"Liz, how are things with corbyn? I know you're mad and have been ignoring him since yesterday, but without him our plan will fail." Christina asked carefully.

It's true. I haven't been answering Corbyn's texts and calls, because I have no idea what to say.

"I'm gonna call him right now to ask him to meet up and talk about everything. I'll tell him I forgive his family, so things will be fine again. I'll have to make sure he takes me to the gathering as his date."

Before they can respond, I take my phone and search for his number. Corbyn answers immediately, like he was waiting for a call from me. I gesture to the others they have to be quiet, while I put my phone on speaker so they can listen as well.

"Liz, finally! I was so incredibly worried about you, I absolutely hate what happened yesterday. My brother was a complete jerk, and I promise you something like that will never, ever, happen again," he rambled.

I stay silent for a second, to figure out what to say. "Liz? Are you there?" I heard Corbyn's soft voice saying.

I take a deep breath. "I'm sorry I've been ignoring you. I just needed some time to clear my head and think, I felt overwhelmed because of what happened. I'm really sorry."

"You have nothing to be sorry about, I completely understand."

"Can we talk about this in real life? Maybe we can meet up in a few hours," I ask.

"Of course, that sounds amazing." He pauses for a moment, and it's like I can almost hear him think.

"Liz, does this change anything for us? Do you still wanna be with me after what my family did? I don't wanna.. I don't wanna lose you."

His voice is filled with pain, and I can feel tears welling up in my eyes. The others look at me with pity in their eyes, but I avoid their gazes.

"No, it doesn't. I'm still just as in love with you as before, don't you worry." I try to fake smile, but it looks more like a failed grin.

He sighs with relief. "Good. I guess I'll see you later?"

"Yeah, see you later." I quickly hang up, to avoid completely bursting into tears. I take a few deep breaths to calm myself, before looking at the others. "So, that's fixed as well."

"Liz, are you sure you can do this? You're torturing yourself," Jonah asked carefully.

"I'm sure. I've told you this a thousand times, my feelings are not getting in the way of our mission. I don't even have feelings for him anymore. I promise," I declare.

"If you say so." Christina hesitatingly smiled, but I can sense she doesn't believe me.

"Guys, I'm serious. How could I possibly still be in love with someone whose family completely humiliated me? I can't, they screwed up." I try sounding determined.

"I swear, if I ever see that Jordan guy again, I'm not gonna be able to hold myself from punching him again." Jonah grinds his teeth.

"You sure did hit him hard. He collapsed on the ground like a sack of potatoes when your fist ended on his cheek. He didn't stand a chance." Zach grinned widely.

Jonah shrugged. "He offended Liz. I had to do something."

I put my arms around him, to express my gratitude. "Thanks Jo, for defending me. I really appreciate it."

He hugs me back with a smile. "That's what family is for."

No matter what happens next, I know I'll always have them.

𝐖𝐄 𝐖𝐄𝐑𝐄 𝐁𝐎𝐑𝐍 𝐓𝐇𝐈𝐒 𝐖𝐀𝐘 ~ 𝒄𝒎𝒃Where stories live. Discover now