Chapter Twenty-One: And just like that, my heart was shattered

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"Corbyn? I'm not feeling very well. It's so warm in here, I'm getting dizzy. Can we maybe go to a place a little less crowded?" I try to act as well as I'm able.

"Yeah, of course. You look pale, Liz, are you okay?" Corbyn's instantly worried, and there's the guilty feeling again. Of course I'm pale, I'm about to knock your ass out.

"I'm alright, there's just a lot of people in here, it's making me feel anxious," I whisper.

"Let's get some air outside." He already starts pulling me to the exit.

"No!" I shout, maybe a little to fierce. A wrinkle appears between his eyebrows, he's clearly confused.

"I mean, that's really not necessary, let's just go to a different room. This is a huge museum, I'm sure we'll find a less crowded place," I correct myself.

I start walking to a hall from which I know it leads to the safe, because I'm carrying a map I studied attentively. Corbyn just decides to follow me, which is perfect.

At the door of the entrance leading to the hall we need to go to, there's a guy, probably a security guard, standing. Going in there on my own would be an enormous struggle, but thanks to a nod of the Corbyn Besson, son of the mayor, we get kindly greeted and our entrance gets cleared. I let out a breath I didn't even notice I was holding, now I'm just hoping Christina will get through that door as well.

"Okay, let's just walk around a little until you feel better again," Corbyn spoke. "There are a lot of things to see in this museum, I'm sure you'll find it interesting. We can even go look at some things related to the dome if you want to."

This is going so much better than planned, I don't even have to make an effort. He's completely falling for it.

"Yes, that's sounds wonderful! I love getting to know more about the history of the dome, let's go find some information." I put a fake smile on my face, as I try to ignore the huge lump forming in my stomach.

"Follow me, I know my ways here." He smiled, but his grin is genuine. Mine isn't.

After walking around a little, we arrive at a room filled with stuff about the dome. Maps, history, pictures, everything. It's like I'm seeing my home through another person's eyes.

Then I realize this is the room that leads to the safe. I look around a little, and notice a door, secured with steel. It's the one we need to enter. The one with the fingerprint.

This is the moment. I take a deep breath, and prepare myself to do the hardest thing I've ever done.

"What's that door, Corbyn? To what leads it?"

"Oh, it leads to a safe holding a lot of important information. Documents, are old history books, the code, lists of people.. that kind of stuff," he answered, not suspicious at all.

"Old history books? That sounds amazing, I really wanna read those. Can we enter?" I ask, and I can hear my voice changing because of my nerves. Calm down, Liz. You can't mess this up.

"That's not a good idea. I'm not allowed to go in there without permission of my father," he declared.

"But I really wanna read those books about my home," I try convincing him again. Shit, he needs to open that damn safe.

Suddenly his face expression changes, the cheerful one makes place for a suspicious one. "Liz, what's going on? Why do you wanna enter that safe so badly? I thought you weren't feeling well." He looks at me with inquisitive eyes.

"Nothing, it's nothing, I'm just, like, i'm just interested, you know, interested in the books, you know," I start stuttering, feeling caught. This is going the wrong way.

And then those damn nervous make me trip over my own feet, and my bag falls open on the ground, spilling everything its carrying. Before I can do anything or stop him, Corbyn picks up my stuff and looks carefully at it. My stuff, meaning a map of the museum, the safe highlighted on it, the book about the dome i borrowed from the library, a list of people who could open the safe, some extra chloroform just in case, everything.

He realizes what's going on, and looks up to me. His eyes get a disgusted look, and suddenly he glances at me like everybody else. Like I'm garbage.

"Liz, please tell me this isn't what it looks like. Please tell me you aren't using me to open the dome. Please." The disgust in his eyes disappears, and makes place for hundreds of tears, begging for another explanation.

I try staying calm, but tears escape my eyes as well. "Christina, I need your help," I say with a loud voice, which immediately breaks. I know Christina is in here somewhere with the chloroform, and I need it. I can't knock Corbyn out, I can't. Not with this hurt look in his eyes.

"Liz, please! Please just tell me I'm wrong!" He starts sobbing uncontrollably, wrinkling the map he's holding in his hand.

Suddenly everything goes so fast. Christina pops up behind Corbyn, shuffs the tissue with chloroform under his nose, and the next thing I see is Corbyn's body collapsing on the floor.

I start crying hysterically at the sight of him suffering. "I'm sorry," I mumble those last words to his unconscious body.

And just like that, my heart was shattered.

𝐖𝐄 𝐖𝐄𝐑𝐄 𝐁𝐎𝐑𝐍 𝐓𝐇𝐈𝐒 𝐖𝐀𝐘 ~ 𝒄𝒎𝒃Where stories live. Discover now