Chapter 46

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A smile made it's way onto Taehyung's face as he and Jimin were going from shop to shop. The two of them had decided that they needed some new clothes and after a bit of begging from Jimin's side Jungkook had agreed to let Taehyung come with him to the mall today. The fact that the two boys had four big bodyguards with them didn't matter to them. Jungkook had told Jimin that he would only allow Taehyung to go out if they took some protection with them and thus Jimin had arranged just that. What Jungkook wanted Jungkook got.

"That shirt you got is so pretty Taehyung, I bet Jungkook can't keep his hands off of you once he sees you wearing it." The blonde boy spoke in an amused tone as he watched how his friend became shy. A red blush began to form onto Taehyung's face as he smiled back at Jimin. Nobody knew about the things that Taehyung had done together with Jungkook and the brunette wasn't planning on telling anyone. Jin and Jimin surely wouldn't be able to keep their mouth shut and it wouldn't take long before everyone would know about the two of them and their nightly activities. No, this was something private and only meant for Jungkook and Taehyung to know.

Suddenly a loud grumble left Taehyung's belly and immediately the boy's eyes grew big. He hadn't been feeling too well this morning and thus he had decided to skip his breakfast. It wasn't weird that his body was now craving for some food. He needed food to keep his system running and his body was clearly telling him that fact.

A soft laugh left Jimin's mouth and the blonde slowly shook his head. "I guess it's time to eat something hmmh?" the small boy spoke before he took Taehyung's hand in his own and began to drag him towards one of the restaurants nearby. Soon their eyes fell upon a small waffle shop and once the two of them walked closer a delicious smell began to infiltrate their nostrils. A waffle sounded like a very good plan right now.

As the two of them were making their way towards the waffle shop suddenly a high pitched voice sounded through the mall. "TAEHYUNG!" a familiar voice shouted and the moment the brown haired boy turned around to look at who it was that was calling him the familiar face of his very best friend came into view.

"Lisa." The young lawyer softly whispered before tears began to form into his eyes. He missed Lisa so much. The girl had been his best friend ever since he had moved to Seoul and she had been his number one supporter in any case the young lawyer had done. The fact that he hadn't seen her for a few months now absolutely broke Taehyung's heart and he wanted nothing more than to take his best friend into a hug and never let go.

As soon as Lisa noticed how Taehyung turned around when she screamed his name tears began to form into the girl's eyes and a small smile began to form onto her face. So she had seen it right, Taehyung was really the boy who she had thought he was when she laid her eyes on him the moment he had passed her a few seconds ago. The moment Lisa had heard about her best friend being kidnapped by the biggest mafia boss of all of Korea she was sure she would have lost him for good. No way that Jeon Jungkook would ever let the small boy who used to be his lawyer go. That would be way too much of a risk for the scary man.

Ever since Taehyung had been kidnapped Lisa had visited the Seoul Police at least once a week to ask about any progress about her missing friend. The police was still looking for the brown haired boy and while everyone who had brains would understand that the boy could be considered lost forever somehow the blonde girl couldn't give up on looking for her bestfriend. Not when she didn't know if he was save and happy or not.

The moment Lisa began to run towards Taehyung one of the bodyguards stepped in between the two best friends and blocked their view of each other completely. Immediately the brown haired boy began to walk a bit more to the side to get past the guard and engulf Lisa in a big hug but suddenly Jimin grabbed his hand and pulled him back a bit.

"Tae, don't." the blonde boy softly spoke while shaking his head a bit. A confused look made it's way onto the brown haired boy's face and he looked at Jimin with a questioning look in his eyes. "What do you mean?"

A deep sigh then left Jimin's mouth and he looked at the back of the big body guard that was separating Taehyung from Lisa at the very moment. "Don't drag her into this world with you. She can't know anything about us or Jungkook won't hesitate to make sure she will never see the light of day again." Jimin explained while he looked at his friend with a sad look on his face. " I know how much she means to you but giving in to your desire now and letting her come close to you is practically the same as signing her death certificate. Jungkook won't let her get away if that meant that she could possibly tell anyone some secret information about you, me or anyone who is tied to his business."

Immediately Taehyung's eyes grew big and he began to shake his head softly. "He wouldn't do that to her. He wouldn't hurt me like that, right?" the brown haired boy spoke in an unsure tone. Jungkook had been though in the beginning but the ravenette had truly done a one-eighty when it came to his behavior. Jungkook was nice now, right?

"Just because Jungkook acts nice and sweet towards you doesn't mean that he is like that to anybody else. I know a different side of him Taehyung and trust me when I say that you don't want that side of him to ever meet your friends." Jimin then spoke in a serious tone towards Taehyung. The blonde boy then began to tuck at the other boy's hand softly before he gestured for the two of them to go the other way. "Let's just leave, okay? It's beter for everyone that way."

Immediately tears began to form into Taehyung's eyes again and he softly whispered a 'sorry' before he turned around and walked away with Jimin and the other three body guards. It pained him so much to be so close to Lisa and yet not have the opportunity to hug her and tell her about his life these last past months. He couldn't risk her life like that however, that wouldn't be fair to the blonde girl. She never asked anyone to drag her into the world of guns drugs and death.

As soon as Lisa saw her best friend walk away tears began to stream over her cheeks. "Taehyung!" the blonde girl screamed at the top of her lungs but her best friend didn't react again. A loud sob left her mouth as she saw how Taehyung turned around a corner and disappeared out of her sight completely.

Would the two of them ever be reunited again?



a bit of a short chapter but it's necessary for the next few chapters. hope you liked it anyway

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