Chapter 52

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Never before had Taehyung felt so lonely in his life. Jimin had brought him back to the apartment what had been his home once and after giving the brunette a big hug, the blonde had left again to go back to his own home. Even though Jimin had tried his best to stay strong for Taehyung, the young lawyer hadn't missed the tears welling up in his eyes or how the boy had done anything he could to stay a bit longer with one of his best friends.

Both boys had realised damn well that this might very well be the last time the two of them would see each other. Jimin would soon be safe again within the Jeon Tower while Taehyung would pick up his old life as a lawyer again, if Wang Inc. hadn't replaced him yet.

Tears slowly began to leak out of the brunette's eyes and his sight began to blurr. He had been back in his old apartment for only thirty minutes and yet he already felt miserable. This place felt so familiar, yet so cold. Even though Jungkook's men had brought all Taehyung's belongings to this place it still didn't sit right with the brunette. This wasn't his home anymore, his home was were Jungkook was.

More tears began to roll down the young lawyer's cheeks at the thought of Jungkook. Their relationship started of pretty wrong but now the mafia boss was all that Taehyung could have ever wished for. Jungkook made Taehyung's world complete and now that the younger boy had removed himself from it completely the brunette felt incomplete, as if there was a puzzle piece of his life missing.

Suddenly a loud knock sounded on Taehyung's door and the brunette looked up surprised. Quickly a hopefull feeling began to spread through the boy's body and he quickly wiped away his tears before he stood up from his couch and ran over to the door, hoping it was Jungkook or Jimin or anyone who would take him back to the ravenette. Maybe Jungkook had changed his mind.

The hope in Taehyung's body soon died however as soon as he opened the door and saw his parents standing in front of the door. Tears began to pile up the young lawyer's eyes and a loud sob left his mouth before he dashed forward and hugged his mother as if his life depended on it. He had missed his family so damn much and he was truly happy to see them. However their presence didn't ease the pain he was feeling from Jungkook letting him go and he was pretty sure nothing could make that pain be a bit more bearable.

"Tae baby." Mrs Kim softly whispered in her son's ear while hugging him back. Her voice sounded emotional and a few tears rolled down her cheeks. She had missed her son so much and never once had she stopped looking for him, not when she wasn't sure her child was save.

Meanwhile Taehyung's father walked away a bit to inform the police that their son had returned home safely and after the call he returned to his son before joining his wife and him in their hug and closing his eyes softly. Taehyung and Mr. Kim had always had a very good bond and the fact that the brunette had been torn away from them as if it was nothing angered his father, a lot. No one would harm his child and get away with it.

As the three released each other from the hug all three of them slowly walked inside and while Mr. Kim got the three of them a glass of water Mrs. Kim and Taehyung sat down on the couch, Taehyung still crying uncontrollably. A worried look made it's way onto Mrs. Kim's face as she looked at her son, who was in no way happy. She knew the boy inside out and she knew damn well when something was wrong with one of her childeren.

Softly the small woman took her son in a hug again before starting to carress his cheek. "What's wrong baby? Did he hurt you this bad?" The woman softly asked her son while trying to make her voice sound as neutral as possible. Of course she would come for whoever had hurt her child but that clearly was not what Taehyung needed to hear from her. He needed her to support him and thus she would exactly do so.

"N-no! You don't understand!" The brunette exclaimed upset before another loud sob left the boy's throat. Taehyung then frantically grabbed his mother's shirt before breaking down again and sobbing in her arms.

"Shhh." Mrs. Kim softly whispered in her son's ear while slowly carressing his back and trying to give him some comfort. It truly broke her heart to see Taehyung like this. The boy was an absolute mess and she had no idea what she could do to make him feel slightly better.

"M-mom?" Taehyung softly spoke once he calmed down a bit again. The boy slightly lifted his head from his mother's chest before looking at her with his tearstruck face. The young lawyer needed to tell her everything about Jungkook. She needed to know that he wasn't angry at the ravenette. His mom needed to know that the pain he was experiencing wasn't anger or sadness or trauma, it was heartbreak.

"Yes honey?" The small woman softly spoke while looking at the boy in her arms with a small smile on her face. Taehyung was slowly calming down and he was finally trying to open up to her. She would make sure that the brunette knew that whatever it was that he would tell her, she was there for him and ready to support him completely.

"I love him." The boy softly spoke before a few tears escaped his eyes and rolled down his cheeks. A confused look began to form onto Mrs. Kim's face and she looked at her son with worry in her eyes. Was this true? "What do you mean Taehyung?"

A deep sigh left the young lawyer's mouth before he looked his mother in the eyes once again. "I love Jungkook. I gained back my family today but I lost him. I lost them all mom." He softly whispered as a soft sob left his mouth once again.

"Who?" Mrs. Kim asked her son confused. Of course she knew exactly who this Jungkook was. The boy had been the one who had taken her son away from her and Taehyung had just confessed that he loved that boy. However the boy had also been through a big traumatic experience and he sure as hell wasn't thinking right at the moment.

"Everyone. Kookie, Jimin, Jin and everyone else!" The boy exclaimed upset as he took a big breath of air. Taehyung's muscles were all tensed up and he was breathing irregularly. He had lost the family he had gained inside the Jeon Tower all at once and if he had the chance he would go back there immediately. Taehyung belonged with them. "And I'm pretty sure I lost a part of myself too."

Suddenly Taehyung's father entered the room again with a small tray in his hands. He quickly put it on the coffee table before he handed his son a glass of water. Gratefully the brunette took the glass from his father before emptying it in one go.

"Tomorrow you are expected at the police station because they want to talk to you about what has happened." Mr. Kim spoke softly before sending a smile in his son's direction. Taehyung nodded before looking at his father with a sad look on his face.

Taehyung's parents truly saw Jeon Jungkook as the worst person who has ever set foot on this earth. Little did they know that the ravenette was the complete opposite to Taehyung. His parents might think that he is just confused and that he is saying nonsense but the young lawyer himself knew better. He knew exactly what he was talking about and he truly meant it from the bottom of his heart when he said that he loved Jungkook.

After all, Taehyung and Jungkook were meant to be together and there was no one that could change the brunette's mind.



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