Chapter 42

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A nervous feeling was present in Taehyung's chest and he took a deep breath in through his nose before letting the air out through his mouth again. Jin and Jimin had left thirty minutes ago and now the brown haired boy was waiting for Jungkook to come home.

Taehyung had been all dolled up by his two friends. The two boys had made sure he looked absolutely stunning so that Jungkook would in no way be able to resist the young lawyer. The fact that things like these made Taehyung very uncomfortable was something nobody had noticed.

To the young lawyer things like these felt as if he was literally offering Jungkook to fuck him, which he in fact was. sure the boy wasn't so certain about that fact himself or if he even wanted things to happen  like this but he couldn't disappoint his friends right? Jin and Jimin had decorated the whole apartment with candles and rose petals and even  the young lawyer himself looked amazing due to those two. He couldn't let all their effort go to waste right?

Suddenly a loud ping sounded through the room, indicating that the elevator had stopped at this floor. That could only mean Jungkook would have arrived back home. Taehyung's heart began to stammer in his chest and a nervous feeling began to take over his whole body. The raven haired mafia boss would surely think he was absolutely nuts for presenting himself to the younger boy like this.

It didn't take long before heavy footsteps sounded through the room and Taehyung inhaled sharply. There was no way out of this stupid idea now. He couldn't blow out at least 100 candles and clean up all the rose petals before Jungkook would enter the living room. The boy would think he was crazy and he had every right to think so. Taehyung himself thought so too.

"Tae baby? What is all this?" Jungkook spoke as soon as he entered the room. His eyes immediately fell upon the small flickering candles and all the rose petals. A delicious sweet smell filled his nostrils and while the whole room was very prettily decorated, Jungkook's eyes only had attention for Taehyung himself as soon as he noticed the small boy on his couch.

The raven haired mafia boss immediately recognised the blouse the brown haired boy was wearing as one of his own and his eyes grew big at how good Taehyung looked in it. Slowly the younger boy boy licked his bottom lip before quickly walked towards the couch and sitting next to Taehyung.

To Jungkook the boy was the definition of perfect. The boy's skinny jeans were complimenting the boy's tiny waist and the oversized blouse which belonged to Jungkook made the boy super sexy to the ravenette. Everything about Taehyung invited Jungkook in..from his plumb shiny lips to his character. Everything about this boy was absolutely perfect.

"I know, I look ridiculous." Taehyung answered the ravenette before lifting his hands and hiding his face behind them. The brown haired boy felt so awkward and so embarressed. He should have never agreed with this stupid plan in the first place. "I knew you wouldn't like things like this."

Immediately the raven haired boy took hold of Taehyung's hands and removed them from his face before planting a soft kiss on the boy's beautiful lips. A calm feeling slowly began to spread through the older boy's body and he looked up to meet Jungkook's eyes.

A small smile was visible on the mafia boss' face and a hint of love could be spotted in his eyes. "Don't ever say that you look ridiculous baby, you're always beautiful. And I do like things like these but judging from the nervous look on your face I'm guessing this wasn't entirely your idea?" The boy then said before softly carressing the other boy's knuckles with his thumb. A soft smile was visible on Jungkook's face and he looked at Taehyung with a questioning look visible in his eyes.

"No it wasn't. Jin and Jimin thought we needed this to take the next step in our relationship." Taehyung then confessed before he felt his cheeks began to heat up. Sure it was the truth but he practically just told Jungkook that this all had been a set up for the two of them to have sex. Quickly the young lawyer lowered his face a bit and stared down. This was so awkward to admit and Taehyung would literally do anything in order to erase the past 10 minutes out of the younger boy's memory.

"Baby look up." Jungkook then softly spoke before placing a finger under Taehyung's chin and softly pushing the boy's head up again so that the two of them could lock their eyes. "Don't do things you're not ready for yet. As much as I would love to have you all for myself and show you exactly how much I appreciate you, I want us both to be completely comfortable." The mafia boss then spoke before sending a loving smile Taehyung's way. "I'm more than willing to wait for you baby."

Without thinking twice Taehyung suddenly placed both his hands on the other boy's shoulders before pulling him closer and pressing their lips together. Immediately Jungkook's eyes grew big, however the boy soon recovered from his shock and he quickly placed one of his hands behind Taehyung's head and the other on the boy's thigh.

It didn't take long before the ravenette took the lead in their kiss and he softly bit down on Taehyung's bottom lip. A soft yelp left the brown haired boy's mouth and Jungkook immediately took advantage of the older boy slightly parting his lips by pushing his tongue inside the other's mouth.

Immediately Taehyung began to follow Jungkook's lead and before he knew it the two were sharing touch after touch. A soft moan left the brown haired boy's throat once Jungkook began to speed up their pace and quickly Taehyung pulled the other boy even closer than before.

Unfortunately for the both of them they soon had to gasp for air and thus both boys broke apart from each other. Both had a dark red blush on their face and Taehyung began to feel shy again. He had no idea where his sudden boldness had came from but he knew he loved kissing the younger boy in fron of him a lot. Jungkook made his stomach twist and turn in the best way possible and Taehyung loved having him close. The young lawyer couldn't even see his future without the mafia boss in it anymore. This all felt so right to him.

"You know I stick with the words I said earlier but you're making it damn hard for me to resist you baby." Jungkook whispered inside Taehyung's ear and immediately goosebumps ran down the older boy's spine. However soon a small smile began to form onto the raven haired boy's face and he softly kissed Taehyung's cheek. "Don't rush yourself though. We have enough time."

A small smile began to form onto Taehyung's face and he leaned into the kiss he was receiving on his cheek while a loved feeling began to spread through his body. "I promise I'll make it worth waiting." The boy spoke when Jungkook removed his lips from the older boy's cheek again and softly the ravenette began to laugh before taking Taehyung into a tight embrace.

"There is no doubt in my mind that you will."



I've got a new book coming to  Wattpad once  I finished Slipstream(My other book). It is called Cheat list and a short summary will follow below.

"I can't do this."

"I'm on your list, right?"

In which Kim Taehyung, an introvert and quiet singer, enters a singing competition where he meets the one and only person that's on his cheat list, Jeon Jungkook.

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