Chapter 39

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A small giggle left Taehyung's mouth as he stepped out of the elevator and into the dark apartment. The boy had had a great night together with Jin and Jimin and even though he didn't like to admit it, he probably had had a little too much to drink. Of course Taehyung wasn't completely drunk, he just felt a bit more wobbly on his legs that usual.

The  brown haired boy had always been  a lightweight when it came to alcoholic beverages. He only needed two to three drinks in order for the alcohol to begin kicking in while his friends most of the times didn't even feel a thing yet. The fact that the young lawyer actually drank too much today was a special sight to see. Taehyung knew very well how much he could drink before getting drunk and thus he  never crossed his limit.

After the party on of the bodyguards that had came with the trio to protect them had driven the  three  friends home because none of them were still able to drive a car. The man had looked out of the three important boys all night in order to make sure they could enjoy their night while not having to worry about any of Jeon Coorporations enemies. Jungkook would have surely killed him  if anything had happened to these boys. Anyone in Jeon Jungkook's inner circle was important for the boy and thus the man couldn't take any risk in letting the boys out of his sight.

Slowly Taehyung began to make his way through the pitch black apartment while squeezing his eyes to slits in order to try and see something.  The young lawyer didn't want to fall face  first to the floor due to a piece of furniture that he had missed and thus the boy stuck out both his arms in front of him while trying to touch anything surrounding him.

Another small giggle left Taehyung's mouth at the thought of how he would look right now. Anyone who would turn on the lights now and noticed his position would surely think he was some sort of weirdo who needed to be locked up in some sort of asylum. However the brown haired boy didn't care at all. His sight was already slightly spinning and he wasn't risking hurting himself. Jungkook was probably already asleep so he didn't need to worry about him.

After what felt  like forever Taehyung finally found his way towards his and Jungkook's shared bedroom and slowly opened the door. A small light was still burning in the room and a sigh left the brown  haired boy's mouth. At least he could see where  he was going now without having to panic about knocking over some stuff.

A small smile made it's way onto the young lawyer's face  as soon as he noticed Jungkook sleeping in the bed. The boy had a serene look on his face and his lips were slightly parted. A  calm atmosphere hung around the boy and the brown haired boy almost got the need to softly squeez his puffy cheeks.

"Okay Tae, just be quiet or else you will wake him." The brown haired boy spoke to himself before making his way over towards the closet and taking out one of his pajamas. The young lawyer quickly looked  Jungkook's way only to realize  he was still sleeping peacefully and thus the boy started to take his clothes of. The ravenette couldn't see anything anyway with his eyes closed so there was no reason for Taehyung to change in the bathroom.

Once the boy changed his fancy clothes for pajamas  he quickly walked over to his side of the bed before comfortably laying down and putting the covers over himself. Of course he tried to do this all with as less movement  as possible. Unfortunately for him though the other still began to stir a bit  in his sleep and Taehyung's eyes grew big. It felt like a crime to wake the younger boy up  from his well deserved sleep.

It was already too late however because before Taehyung  knew it two strong arms circled around his waist and pulled him closer  to the other side of the bed. A sad look became visible on the  older boy's face and he stuck out his bottom lip a bit. "I'm sorry for waking you up Kookie." The young lawyer apologised in a sad tone.  He tried so hard not to wake up the mafia boss and yet here he was. The boy was awake and it was entirely Taehyung's fault.

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