Chapter 50

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A bored look could be spotted on Taehyung's face as he was zapping through the channels on the television. Jungkook was sitting next to the boy with an equal bored look on his face, waiting for Taehyung to find something that would be worth watching.

It had been a few weeks since Jungkook had taken care of Taehyung and the two of them had only grown closer and closer to each other. The two boys were rarely spotted without each other and if someone even looked at the brunette the wrong way Jungkook would make sure they would regret it. The two boys were like magnets, they got drawn together and they didn't mind it one bit.

"Everything is so boring." Taehyung complained as he put down the remote. The channel he had stopped on was showing the news and while the young lawyer was anything but someone who willingly watched the news he didn't have any better option. He'd rather watch the news then some bad quiz show.

"I know." Jungkook spoke as soon as he got up and walked over towards the kitchen to get the two of them a glass of water. Taehyung lazily sat back in the couch before a deep sigh left his mouth. At least let something intresting be happening in the world. Then he would have something to watch.

"Tonight we have a special item to show." the reporter on the news began to speak towards everyone who was watching his program. The man was standing outside in the rain while holding a microphone and an umbrella in his hands and a snicker left the brunette's mouth. The man looked a bit funny since it must be pretty cold outside and somehow that fact amused the young lawyer a lot.

"Today exactly 8 months ago, Kim Taehyung got kidnapped during the trial of Jeon Jungkook. It is still unknown where the boy is currently being held captive but according to one of his friends he has been spotted inside a mall near Seoul." The reporter spoke in a serious tone and immediately Taehyung's eyes grew big. Why was the news still talking about him?

However suddenly the familiar face of Lisa popped up in Taehyung's mind and his eyes grew even bigger. The blonde girl must have gone to the police to tell them about that she had seen her kidnapped best friend in a mall. A lump began to form into the young lawyer's throat and a deep sigh left his mouth. He still felt bad for Lisa since that day and he wished things would have gone differently. However he knew damn well that that hadn't been a possibility.

"Today the boy's family released a statement about the boy in which they are asking everyone to look out for him as they still believe that he is alive. We will now shortly switch over to the statement from earlier today." The reporter in the grey suit spoke and before Taehyung knew it the screen switched over and suddenly began to display his parents and his brother.

Immediately tears began to form into the boy's eyes and a few rolled down his cheeks. He missed his family so much. These people meant the whole world to them and to know that they were still out there looking for him pained him a lot. He had been happy in this building doing whatever the hell he wanted to while his family was still broken by his disappearance.

"Everyone please don't stop looking for our boy. He is still out there and he is waiting to be rescued." Taehyung's mother spoke, emotion clearly hearable in her voice. The small woman had always done everything she could for her two children and the fact that she now did not know where her eldest son was or if he was okay broke her completely.

"If you see him, please contact the police immediately. He has been gone for 8 months now and it is time that he will come home." Taehyung's father then added before wrapping an arm around his emotional wife. The two of them had big dark circles around their eyes and they looked a lot older then what the brunette remembered them to be.

Suddenly Taehyung's mother began to speak again while tears streamed down her face. "Tae baby, if you see this, know that I won't stop looking for you until they've found you. I won't stop before you come home safely. That monster will not win. Not if I have anything to say about it." The woman finished before a loud sob left her mouth once again. The woman immediately took her other son in her arms and cuddled him.

Taehyung's brother didn't react at all. The boy looked like he was a hollow shell and immediately a painfull stung shot through the older Kim brother's heart. He knew his younger brother only acted like this when he didn't know what to do anymore and was on the verge of breaking down completely. While Taehyung had lived his best life inside the Jeon Tower his family had been breaking down completely and sadness and anger slowly began to take over the brunette completely.

As soon as Jungkook got back with two glasses of water in his hands he immediately noticed the tense atmosphere in the room and once he noticed the family in the room his eyes grew big and he sped up the pace in which he was walking towards the couch. Immediately the boy put the two glasses of water down before he grabbed the remote and turned of the television.

The mafia boss then focused on the boy who was still staring at the television as if he wanted to smash it and he immediately noticed the sad yet angry look on the boy's face. The smaller boy had tears leaking down his face constantly and he looked like he wanted to murder someone.

"Tae baby-" Jungkook began to speak but immediately the brown haired boy stood up angrily while crying hysterically. "NO!" The boy screamed while more tears escaped from his eyes. An angry look was taking over the boy's features completely and Jungkook looked at him with concern in his eyes. This was exactly the reason why he hadn't given the boy he loved so much the opportunity to meet his parents again. The mafia boss knew damn well that seeing those people would break him down completely. Taehyung wasn't ready for that yet.

Slowly Jungkook walked a bit closer to the young lawyer before he softly put a hand on his shoulder. "Baby I know it hurts. Let's just go to bed and talk about it tomorrow, okay?" The younger boy tried to calm down his upset lover but the brunette was having non of it.

"DON'T TOUCH ME!" Taehyung screamed towards the ravenette who immediately retreated his hand again while a shocked look began to cross his face. Anger was radiating from the older boy and tears leaked out of his face non stop. He missed his family, a lot. Seeing them heart broken because he had been gone for 8 months broke something inside the young lawyer himself.

"YOU RUINED MY WHOLE FUCKING LIFE." the boy then screamed while he sank to his knees and hid his face in his hands. The boy was absolutely broken by seeing his family again and he wanted nothing more then to just go home and hug them again. He would do anything to see his family.

"Tae calm down." Jungkook softly spoke in a stressed tone. The ravenette clearly had no idea what he could do for the boy he loved so much and a he looked at the smaller boy with regret on his face. He never meant for the boy to get this upset and if he would have knows that his parents had send out a statement about this then he would have never let the boy watch tv in the first place.

"How the fuck can I calm down when my family is absolutely broken because you kidnapped me?!" The brown haired boy exclaimed before he began to sob again. A pleading look was visible on the boy's face and another sob left his mouth. "I just want to go home."

A sad look made it's way onto Jungkook's face and a small tear made it's way out of the boy's eye. "Baby you are home." The boy tried but Taehyung was having none of it. The boy clearly thought differently of that fact and he began to violently shake his head.

"No I am not. I don't belong here at all. I don't belong in this world and I don't belong with you!" The boy exclaimed upset before he stood up and ran towards the bedroom. Immediately after he had entered the room a loud sob left the broken boy's mouth and he slammed the door shut. Slowly the boy walked over towards the bed before he laid down on it and broke down completely.

Would Taehyung ever see his family again?



Sooo yeah... that happened😂 hope you liked the chapter!

Question of the chapter:

What do you think is the most attractive feature of the human body?

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