Chapter 48

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this chapter contains smut. If you feel uncomfortable with reading such content then please skip the whole chapter. There is nothing you need to read in order for you to understand the rest of the story.


As soon as those words left Taehyung's lips Jungkook slammed his lips on the other boy's lips and immediately the two of them got entangled into a heavy make out session. Even though the young lawyer was trying his best to not let Jungkook completely dominate him it was very difficult for the boy.

The ravenette wasn't taking anything the brown haired boy was doing and every time Taehyung tried to get the upper hand in their kiss the mafia boss would make him submit to him immediately again. Jungkook hadn't been joking when he said that he would make Taehyung behave but the young lawyer didn't care. If anything, he liked where this was going.

As soon as Jungkook detached their lips he grabbed Taehyung's hair and pulled it a bit to the side. "Don't test me baby. I will make sure you'll regret it." The mafia boss spoke in a dangerously low voice before connecting his lips with the delicate skin of Taehyung's neck.

Immediately the ravenette bit down on the skin and a shot of pain rushed up Taehyung's spine. Nevertheless the boy began to feel more and more excited and thus when he felt how the ravenette slowly let go of the skin between his teeth he let out a low moan, on purpose. Let's see how long the two of them could keep this game up.

As soon as the sinfull sound that just released from the other boy's throat was heard by Jungkook he immediately began to harshly suck and lick the skin underneath his lips. Taehyung had to remember who he was and that he would not let anyone fuck around with him. He was the boss and soon Taehyung would remember that too.

The brunette however seemed to be in a bold state and when he began to feel how Jungkook was creating a hickey on his skin a smirk made it's way onto the boy's face. "Is that all you got?" the brunette spoke in a challenging tone and before he knew it he felt Jungkook lift his head up before looking the brown haired boy in his eyes.

Seductively the smaller boy began to bit his bottom lip before he eyed the younger in front of him from the bottom to the top. Then Taehyung leaned in a bit before that challenging look in his eyes began to take him over once again. "I must say, I've had better." He then whispered against Jungkook's lips in a low seductive tone before increasing the distance between the two boy's lips again.

A low growl made it's way out of Jungkook's throat and his eyes visibly darkened before he pressed the other boy harshly against the wall. A soft thud sounded through the room as Taehyung's back once more collided with the white walls of Jungkook's apartment and a smirk began to form onto the boy's face. Of course what the boy had told the ravenette in front of him had been complete bullshit. He had had sex with one other person and that time it had been absolute shit but that didn't matter right now. Jungkook's ego was already big enough, that boy didn't need it to get any bigger.

"Last time I held back. Guess you want to be receiving that kind of special treatment today." Jungkook spoke before a smirk began to form onto his face. Before Taehyung knew it Jungkook had moved both his hands down and began to unbutton the black blouse the brunette was wearing.

"I'm gonna make you feel so good you won't be able to stand on your legs anymore." Jungkook then spoke once he had unbuttoned all of the buttons. Immediately after speaking the boy lowered his head and attached his lips to one of Taehyung's nipples while he began to tease the other one with his hand.

"A-ahh." A high pitched moan unwillingly left Taehyung's mouth and immediately after the boy slapped his hand in front of his mouth. He shouldn't make all these sounds if he wanted to show Jungkook that he wasn't the only one who could tease the other.

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