Chapter 17

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Taehyung quickly looked up from the bed he was sitting on as soon as he heard someone knock on the door of the room he was sitting in. It had been at least one hour since Jimin had left him here and the brown haired boy had been crying non stop. He didn't want to be here at all. Ohh how he wished he could just go home and crawl into his own bed.

Softly the door was being pushed open after a few knocks and soon after the face of girl came into view. The girl was truly a sight to see. She had long black hair and a cute smile, overal she seemed very friendly. The girl was wearing a short black dress with small white buttons on the front.

"Hi!" The girl exclaimed enthousiastically while waving at Taehyung. Immediately a big smile broke out on her face and she walked a bit closer to Taehyung.

"You must be Taehyung right?" The black haired girl said while taking a seat next to the brown haired boy on his bed. Immediately the young lawyer shifted a bit to the left in order to make some more room for the girl who was now sitting next to him. Said girl was still smiling at him and she softly took his hand.

"I'm Jisoo, Jimin told me to show you your tasks for tomorrow." The girl said before standing up again and softly pulling on Taehyung's hand in order for him to stand up too. Quickly the young lawyer stood up and immediately got pulled out of the room by Jisoo.

"So basically you'll get assigned a few rooms which you'll have to clean everyday, it's really simple." The pretty girl said while pulling Taehyung towards the elevator at the end of the hall. A small hint of hope immediately filled inside the brown haired boy's chest once he took notice of all the possibilities that room held. With that elevator the young lawyer could easily just go towards the basement and sneak out of the building.

"So from today on you'll be joining a team of cleaners, which consist of three other girls and us two." Jisoo began to explain while she was still pulling the boy who was walking behind her to god knows where. Taehyung softly nodded while still following the black haired girl in front of him.

Soon they reached the elevator and Jisoo quickly pressed the button for going down. A drop of sweat slowly started to roll down Taehyung's face as soon as the girl had pressed the button. This would be his only change at getting out of here alive, he couldn't fuck up. The brown haired boy swallowed thickly before creating a fake smile on his face and looking at the black haired girl who was standing beside him.

"And how did you end up here?" Jisoo suddenly asked and a confused look immediately formed onto the young lawyer's face. How come she doesn't know? She works for Jungkook right? She must've known his plan to kidnap him all this time right?

"I was Jungkook's lawyer but I got kidnapped once he decided to escape." Taehyung said while a hint of bitterness could be heard in his voice. All this time he had spent every minute he could on Jungkook's case and yet the younger had taken him here. Jungkook was without a doubt the person Taehyung hated yet feared the most.

"I knew it!" The girl standing next to Taehyung exclaimed while an excited smile broke out on her face. "I mean, look at you!" She continued while pointing her right index finger at the brown haired boy's face. Taehyung slowly took a few steps back in order to create some more space between Jisoo's finger and his face before looking at the girl with a questioning look on his face.

"No way you would come here willingly when you knew evrything that happens here." The girl said before the familiar sound of the elevator reaching their current floor sounded through the hallway. Quickly both cleaners got in and Jisoo pressed the button for the 44th floor.

Slowly the big doors of the elevator closed again and the black haired girl turned towards Taehyung once again. "So the floors you're gonna have to clean are the 44th,45th and the 46th." Jisoo said while a friendly smile was supporting her face. Taehyung softly nodded before shifting his eyes towards the buttons on the right side of the elevator. If he would just press the -1 he would be out of here in no time.

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