Chapter 8

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Taehyung softly blew on the cup of coffee in his hands. He smiled a little as he slowly saw the steam from the brown liquor disappearing into the air. The brown haired boy carefully took a sip of the cup in his hands before putting it back on the table in front of him again

The young lawyer was currently sitting in a small restaurant in the middle of Seoul. It had only a few tables and it was kinda cozy. He had made an appointment with one of Jungkook's victims and was hoping he would be able to find something which would prove his client's innocence. Even though Jungkook didn't care about the case at all, Taehyung sure did and he was willing to do anything to win. He figured that if Jungkook wasn't gonna help him he would just find everything out on his own.

Taehyung straightened his tie as he saw a tall boy with black hair walk through the entrance of the small café. The young lawyer waved shortly at the black haired boy to make sure he noticed him. A smile crept upon Taehyung's face when he noticed the tall boy making his way to Taehyungs table.

The boy took a seat opposite of Taehyung and looked Taehyung straight in his eyes, something which made the young lawyer almost a bit nervous. The black haired boy had piercing brown eyes in which Taehyung swore he saw a hint of sadness and a small freckle under his right eye. The boy wore a tired expression on his face, his eyes had dark circles under it and Taehyung immediately felt sorry for him. This boy surely must have been through a lot.

The young lawyer sighed softly. The boy in front of him was named Kim Yugyeom. A pretty normal boy with a normal life, until Jungkook decided to mess the boy up. Yugyeom had been present during a bank robbery at the bank he works for in March last year. A bank robbery Jungkook was being accused of. A bank robbery Taehyung had to plead the ravenette innocent of.

"Thank you so much for coming Yugyeom" Taehyung said to the boy in front of him. He had invited the boy to the café to tell him what had happened that exact day. The black haired boy smiled a little and nodded. Yugyeom slowly placed one of his elbows on the table and rested his head against it. The boy looked like he hadn't slept in days.

"Okay, as I told you on the phone I am Jeon Jungkook's lawyer, and I would like for you to tell me exactly what you told the cops that night after the robbery". Taehyung said before taking a notebook and a pen out of his bag. If he wanted to make sure he wouldn't miss anything Yugyeom said he had to write it down as fast as possible.

"I really don't know what to tell you to be honest, I'm pretty sure you've read the file about that exact day at least twenty times." The black haired boy said while he gave the young lawyer a sharp look. Taehyung grabbed his pen harder and forced a smile on his face.

"I actually did, but I would like to hear it from you" the young lawyer answered, the fake smile still present on his face. Judging from the file about that night, Taehyung had expected Yugyeom to be a fragile boy who was traumatized by the events that happened on the day of the robbery. If the blonde boy had known Yugyeom was anything but that he would have never invited him here today. What would be the point of today if Yugyeom wouldn't tell him anything new about that day anyway?

"Here's what happened that day, your fucker of a client robbed the bank while wearing beanies and masks, held a gun against my head and killed three of my colleagues" Yugyeom said, clearly on the verge of losing his cool. Taehyung quickly wrote some details on the paper in front of him before trying to calm Yugyeom down.

"Listen, I know you're angry and upset but I'm just trying to do my job, I would prefer it if we could talk normally to each other" Taehyung said, a calm tone lacing his voice. Even though Yugyeom had barely said anything about the day of the robbery yet Taehyung had a feeling he would still spill some important details about that specific day if The young lawyer pushed it a bit. Ofcourse he felt bad for Yugyeom, Jungkook had ruined his life. However the brown haired boy was only trying to do his job, nothing more.

" You really think I don't know what you invited me here for today huh?" the black haired boy in front of him said while looking at Taehyung, anger clearly visible on his face. Taehyung looked back at the boy with a surprised look on his face. What in the world was happening here?

" You only invited me to try and find mistakes in the story I told the police so that that fucker can go free" Yugyeom now started to shout before standing up. It made Taehyung feel really small. The boy was way taller than the brown haired boy was and was practically towering over the young lawyer.

"Let me tell you one thing mr. Kim, I won't tell you anything about that day and I will testify against Jeon" The black haired boy said before turning around and walking out of the café. Taehyung watched as the black haired boy disappeared out of his sight and sighed deeply.

That boy had been his last chance at getting Jungkook out of jail, and while the boy did give some information away, it would still be one hell of a job to prove the innocence of his client. The young lawyer sighed deeply, why did everything never went the way he wanted it to?

Taehyung quietly decided to pack up his belongings and go home. He quickly fished out some money out of his pocket and put it on the table before leaving the small cafe. It was of no use for him to stay there after Yugyeom left.

As Taehyung was walking towards the subway station on his way to Wang inc. he got lost pretty deeply in his thoughts. He had thought a million times about how he could prove Jungkook's innocence but he never managed to come up with a solid plan. The evidence was just too overwhelming, anyone who would think that Jungkook was innocent would be completely crazy.

Sure he did have the information about Jungkook and his gang using beanies and masks during the robbery, a detail which was not described in the police file. But even if Taehyung would be able to plead Jungkook innocent in that crime, there were still at least twenty more.

Taehyung quickly got ripped out of his thoughts when he felt his phone vibrating in his pocket. The young lawyer quickly got the device out and raised his eyebrows when he saw the caller id of an unfamiliar phone number.

Taehyung quickly pressed the green button on his phone. "Hello?" the young lawyer said, curious to the other person who was calling him.

"I have information which could benefit your client's case, meet me tomorrow at 8 p.m. outside the Park Hotel" The caller on the other side of the line said before Taehyung heard the familiar beeping tone indicating the person on the other side had ended the call.

This could either go really well or really wrong...



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