Chapter 14:

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March 2

I can't sit here and pretend like what happened to Ziggy last night didn't make me feel bad because it did. I tried reaching out to her but she wouldn't accept my phone calls or respond to my texts so eventually I gave up

She didn't come to school today either and Geo didn't come until late so of course everybody felt free to talk shit as usual

"I told y'all, don't trust them quiet ones" one of keem's friends joked while they stood over at the table beside where I sat with Kai

"I told everybody that girl was a hoe but y'all ain believe me" Kai spoke over to them, picking up her Gatorade

I looked around the cafeteria and saw Geo standing over by the entrance talking to his friends, looking pissed for some reason. I got up and walked over to where he was, making him and his friends look as I approached them

"You heard from Ziggy?"

Geo rudely looked me up and down before turning his head, talking to his friends again

"You don't even have to be rude Geo"

"Whatchu care how she doing for? Y'all ain cool"

"That don't mean I can't feel bad"

"It do" he simply said before he started to walk off and I grabbed his arm

"Me and Ziggy been friends for years. Just cause we fell out don't mean ima stop caring bout her. I tried calling and texting her but she won't answer and I just wanna know if she okay"

"Like I said, y'all ain cool. You know if Ziggy don't fuck witchu then she don't fuck witchu. You chose yo side so you gotta stay there. Especially after you fucked up a second time"

"You being a bitch for no reason"

"Nah I'm just lookin out for Ziggy. I let her sit here and try to be nice too many times but look at what happened, so now you better hope and pray I let any of y'all get to her cause after that shit last night. I ain playin that"

"You can't blame be for what somebody else did"

"So you think you just as innocent in ALL of this? And I'm talkin bout more than the video"

The minute Geo mentioned the video people started to get nosey but of course. Attention seeking Geo didn't care

"All jokes aside, the shit that happens to Ziggy is her own fault. She in the predicament she's in because of HER! So stop getting mad at the world just to kiss her ass"

"Nah she be minding her business and hating ass hoes like you and Kai go round starting shit. Keem and his bitch too"

"I'm hating?" I pointed to myself "why would I hate? What is there for me to hate on? Ziggy out here fucking best friends, one of em on camera at that"

I saw Geo shake his head

"What? You mad cause I'm tellin the truth?! And everybody know y'all fuckin too"

The minute I put that on blast I heard a couple of people say something while Geo scratched his head

"If you mad cause I turned you down then just say that Tia. And you see all this shit you talkin bout Ziggy cause I made you mad just now. Now you see exactly why you ain getting near her again and you better hope and pray she don't beat yo ass when she come back to school cause she hear everything you saying"

I rose my eyebrow as he held his phone up and that's when I realized he had his AirPods in. He opened his mouth to say something but stopped and looked down at the phone, hanging it up then looked at me again shaking his head before walking off, leaving out of the cafeteria

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