Chapter 25:

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April 3
9:34 am

All night I could not sleep comfortably so I've been up since like 2. I just sat in Geo's bed bouncing between staring at the blank tv and playing with the hair tie on my wrist. The room door opened and Geo walked in rubbing his eye

"Why you just sitting in here in the dark?" He asked and by the way his voice was so raspy I could tell he just woke up. I shrugged as he walked over to the bed and got in, laying with me

"Where yo momma?"

"She had to work this morning" he muttered with his eyes closed

"I didn't know social workers worked on the weekend"

"Sometimes she do"

I just looked down at Geo watching him lay there with his eyes closed

"Talk" he randomly blurted out


"Talk.. tell me what the hell happened"

Geo then opened his eyes, looking at me

"I don't even know what happened myself. Shit just happened so fast. I just know he told me he didn't like me so I told him I didn't like him either and that's when he kicked me out saying I can do whatever I want as long as I'm not in his house"

"And he got yo phone?"

"That man don't care about nobody but his self. I promise you, you straight zig"

"I'm really not Geo."

"Lay down"

"I can't sleep"

"I ain said go to sleep. I said lay down" he told me with a stern tone. I eyed him before giving in and finally laid down with my back to him, feeling him pull me closer to him and throw his arm around me "ion need you thinking negative nomore"

"How can't I? Negative shit always happening to me"

Geo sat up a little "I ain lyin"

I sucked my teeth and he laughed, laying back down

"I'm just fuckin witchu.. but Forreal. No more negative talk Ziggy."

"So I guess we not talkin bout my uncle nomore then"

"Nah" he responded "let's talk about some else.. let's talk about us"

I turned to face him seeing a big ass smile on his face

"Alright then... how long you been in love with me and didn't tell me"

"Mannn outta all the shit to bring up, you wanna start with that?"

I nodded, waiting for his answer

"For a long time zig. Like before me and you even started fuckin"

"Well why I'm just finding out? You quick to talk about everything else but you couldn't tell me how you felt"

"Cause I ain wanted my feelings to get in the way of our friendship. Plus I was still enjoying being a hoe so.."

"Mhmm. I bet so"

"Don't do that zakia. Yo ass been out here finessing these niggas"

"I wasn't finessing nobody"

"Yes you was. Especially keem bitch ass"

"I don't know who a keem is"

"Don't act like yo ass got amnesia"

"I do cause ion remember nobody named keem"

Geo laughed before sitting up "you know him and that girl broke up"

"I'm not even surprised"

"All I know is he better not try to come back to you"

Geo looked at me with a straight face and I held a confused look on my face "why would he come back to me? Keem can die slowly for all I care. His ass should've went to jail"

"Yeah Ight" he muttered while stretching his right arm out and I turn on my back, sitting back against the pillows

"My legs so sore"

"You walked over here last night. You damn right they sore"

I rolled my eyes and stretched my legs out as he pulled the blanket off of me and grabbed one of my legs and started rubbing it

"I'm surprised you walked. Yo ass ain even used to walk in gym"

"Because I ain had no way else to get in contact with someone. My uncle a wild individual"

"Nah he a bitch for what he did. Ion see how he can go around saying how much he loved his brother and would do anything for him but he did you how he did"

"I'm just so over people at this point.. you really all I got"

"And I'm all you need" he told me while he continued to rub on my leg "Ziggy you keep saying how you ain got friends and shit but it ain a bad thing"

"I know.. but at this point I feel like I'm the problem"

"The problem is you had too many of the wrong people in yo life. Now they just leaving one by one"

"Well.. let's just say IF. If I ever push you away, can you just tell me before you just up and leave"

"Zakia. You can aggravate me, you can talk shit to me and all that but one thing you won't ever do is push me away. I'm in this witchu for life" geo told me and I smiled, watching him still rub my leg


"These are cute zakia" Geo's momma told me while she looked through a rack of jeans. She offered to take me shopping for some more clothes and refused the word no. She picked up a pair and held them up "I think these will fit you nice"

"You know the last time I wore a pair of jeans"

"And that's sad" she bluntly responded while handing me the jeans and started looking again "you're a pretty girl with a pretty shape, I don't know why you stay covered up"

"What shape?" I asked "I'm shaped like the number one"

"You have a shape zakia. You just can't see it under those sweats you wear everyday. And honestly I'm kinda glad your uncle made you leave them because it's time for a change. It's a new chapter for you in life so you gotta look the part. Try wearing actual clothes, wear your hair out. You got some beautiful natural hair"

"And it's thick" I said as I scratched at my head

"That's apart of the beauty in it"

"What is there for me to do to it? I don't know how to do hair"

"I'll help you"

"You don't have to do all of thi-"

"Zakia, babygirl. I got you. You're the daughter I always wanted, you keep my son outta trouble and his head on straight, and I promised myself I would always make sure you straight no matter what. You got so much potential to do great things and I refuse to let stuff that you couldn't control to mess that up for you. You just gotta let me help you" she told me as she looked me in the face.I nodded while holding onto the clothes I already carried

"Yes ma'am"

We went back to shopping and after we finished, we went to the food court and got a pizza, just talking and bonding as we sat and ate before we left Lennox and headed back to the house

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