Chapter 27:

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May 10
8:00 am

"This shit burn so bad" I heard kai's voice say from outside of the bathroom stall I was in

"Bitch you better go fill that prescription. I heard gonorrhea ain no joke"

"It's not"

I laughed to myself while walking out of the bathroom stall, causing her and Brielle to look at me. Kai's whole face dropped like she was embarrassed now.

"Come on" she told Brielle before the left the bathroom and I went to wash my hands, looking at myself in the mirror in the process

Because of Geo I really stepped out of my comfort zone, especially today. Nor only did I try a frontal wig, but since it was warm today I also put on a dress

I turned to the side looking at myself. I was cute, I can't even lie... kinda fine actually. Before I walked off from the mirror eventuality I fixed my hair and then headed out

"My momma called me yet?" I asked Geo, who waited outside of the bathroom for me. He shook his head while handing me my phone but kept my bookbag

"No. She probably still sleep"

I sighed and we started walking, heading to class early. Last night I guess my momma was having one of her good days so she called me and we talked for hours and honestly it was the best conversation I've actually had in years. She did ask how things were going with my uncle so I told her what happened and although she got upset at first, I told her I was good and happy where I was so she wouldn't have to worry

"Everything was just so great last night Geo. I had conversations with my momma that I've been wanting to have for years. You'on understand how happy that made me"

"I can tell" he chuckled "I'm glad y'all could finally talk like that. They plan on coming to graduation?"

"I hope so. Ima ask my grandma cause I'd appreciate it if I have SOME kinda family there"

"I think they gone come. Don't worry bout that" he assured me while he kissed my forehead and threw his arm around me while we walked to class. As we walked I felt people staring at me which I could ignore at first but eventually it got aggravating as hell

"Damn everybody gotta eye problem?" I asked out loud which made Geo look around and then he looked down at me

"Well shit Ziggy. You see yo ass in that dress?"

"But Still"

"They gone look. First of all ain nobody seen you like this but they can look as long as they don't try to touch"

"Geovonni" a voice called out making the both of us look and it was one of the biology teachers standing in the door of one of the classrooms we were about to pass "can I talk to you for a second mr mills"

Geo took his arm from around me and followed her into the classroom and I waited for him outside of the classroom, looking at my phone that his momma brought for me. While I stood outside of the room looking at my phone I felt somebody bump into me

"My bad" the voice apologized and I looked realizing it was keem. When he realized it was me he stopped and looked me up and down

"You excused, now keep walking" I rudely told him because honestly nothing in the world could convince me to ever forgive keem for what he did. If the roles were reversed I would've never put him in that situation, hell I wouldn't have even recorded us having sex

"You really gone act like this?"

"Why you still standing here Shakeem? I really don't have SHIT to say to you at all"

"Over some old ass shit?"

"Old ass shit that fucked up my life! Whatchu did wasn't cool and it was childish as hell.. and I really don't wanna talk about this or to you period so move"

"My class right here" he pointed to the classroom Geo was in and I rolled my eyes before walking off, making my way to class without Geo

When I made it to class I saw Kai was already in there and she eyes me while I walked to my seat and sat down. The silence in the room was so heavy and the tension was so thick since it was only the two of us

"Don't tell nobody bout what you heard earlier" she randomly blurted out loud and yet again I rolled my eyes

"Girl ain nobody worried about you or your std's" I replied and Geo walked in the classroom looking confused as he walked up to my desk

"Why you left?"

"So I wouldn't have to slap keem"

"What he did?"

I just shook my head "what she needed you for?"

"She was talkin to me bout some work I gotta finish before Friday"

"You better hurry up and finish all up work Geo. Next Friday is our last day"

"I know" he responded before looking over at Kai as people started coming into the classroom then looked at me again "she ain say shit to you? Did she?"


"Geoooo" his friend Malik yelled out his name while he walked into the classroom, and he's not even in this class. Malik walked straight over to us and dapped Geo up before looking me up and down "damn Ziggy"

Geo's smile dropped making me laugh

"Getcho ass beat if you wanna" he told Malik who just chuckled

"I can't look?"

" I know you so no. Whatchu doing in here anyways?"

"I'm bout to go. Ain shit to do and ion know why they got us here. Y'all might as well leave too"

I looked at Geo and he looked at me, raising his eyebrow

"You wanna go?"

"I mean.. we can" I shrugged. Geo nodded towards the door and I got up, following him and Malik out of the classroom


I left this one shirt on purpose so I don't wanna hear no complaining

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