Chapter 19:

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March 22
7:24 am

I sat at the table eating a bowl of cereal and scrolled on my phone while my uncle walked into the kitchen, looking at me

"You missed the bus. You know that right?"

"I don't take the bus"

"Well don't you think your ride should be picking you up?"

"It's only 7:30"

He shook his head while going to the fridge "I know you have that boy over here while I'm working"

"And? We just friends"

"That's what you say now until you pop up pregnant or something, begging me to let you stay here longer but that ain happening. Regardless you getting the hell out this house after graduation"

"My daddy probably turning over in his grave hearing how you treat his daughter"

"Don't try to use my brother in this." He now fussed, getting upset "I'm not treating you any kind of way Ziggy. Life ain fair for everybody and you just happen to be one of those. Hell, how do you think I feel? You think I wanted to take care of a child that ain mine. I didn't have kids for a reason but I gave up my life to make sure your little ass ain went to foster care so you need to be thankful and start showing some damn respect"

I just rolled my eyes and he pointed at me

"And stop with the eye rolling to! You so angry at all the wrong people for no reason and walking around like people owe you something when nobody owes you shit!"

"I'm not angr-"

"Stop lying to yourself" he cut me off "you catching attitudes with me like I did something to you when you really owe me"

"I owe you? Besides giving me a place to live I RAISED MYSELF since I've been here"

"And it shows" he replied "and if you wanna be mad at somebody, how about you be mad at the woman that couldn't keep herself stable enough to take care of you"

"Leave my momma out of this"

"No. Ima bring her in it since you obviously need a reality check.. Yo momma didn't care about you cause if she did, she wouldn't have let herself go knowing she was all you had left. But she didn't care and now looking at her, so damn mentally unstable they got her trying new meds every week and she dying slowly cause she let her health deteriorate but the worse part of it all is her memory getting so bad that by the time she finally on her death bed she probably won't even remember yo name"

I looked off trying not to cry so I blinked the tears away before standing up, grabbing the bowl of cereal and threw it the sink making it splash everywhere however I didn't care. I then grabbed my bookbag and phone then went outside, sitting on the steps to wait for Geo which didn't take long because he pulled up a few minutes later

I grabbed my bookbag and walked off to his car, getting in the passenger seat while he looked at me

"You good?"

I nodded and looked out the window


"What Geo?"

He put the car in park while turning to face me

"Tell me what happened now?"

"Nothing.. my uncle still a bitch but that's neither here no there."

"What he said now?"

"The same shit as usual but I'm over it at this point" I told Geo while I looked at him. "I only got two more months to deal with him"

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