Chapter 22:

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March 27
11:43 am

I like how u just left the rest of us

-but y'all got out tho

Because of Lexi's people
Except Dominique. He couldn't get bail

-well be happy

Damn it's like that Kai?
I guess it's every man for themselves

-i gotta look out for me Brielle

After I texted Brielle back I saw that she left me on read and I locked my phone, looking up and over at my mom who ranted on the phone while she fixed herself something to eat

"Ma, you gotta be so loud?" I asked her with my face frowned up and she stopped talking to look at me then finished her conversation

"Kai, did you find that skirt?" She then asked me and I shook my head, sipping the caramel crunch frappe my dad got me this morning

"No. It's somewhere"

"Well you need to go find it. You gotta court hearing Wednesday and I don't need you looking for anything last minute"

"But why I gotta wear that skirt?"

"Cause I paid almost 40 dollars for that skirt Kailani"

"You act like I won't ever find it. It's in my clothes somewhere"

"We'll go find it"

"Do you wanna wear that skirt Kai?" My dad asked as he walked into the kitchen, coming over to the counter where I sat

"Not really?"

"Well here" he reached in his pocket, pulled out his wallet and grabbed a couple of bills handing them to me "go but you an outfit to wear"

I smiled while grabbing the money as my mom looked at him some type of way "thank you daddy"

"Hell no!" She fussed while hanging up the phone "you really giving her money to get a new outfit like she's going on a date or something.. she's going to court!"

"For something that's not her fault"

"Are you serious?"

" yeah" he nodded then looked at me "go get you a new outfit to wear"

"See this is why you my favorite"

"And that's exactly why she in the predicament she in now. You keep babying Kai and it's not cute"

"This is my baby girl. What do you expect?"

"What predicament I'm in ma?" I asked "I ain do nothing wrong"

"You let your drunk friend leave a room with a random boy then fled the scene after you found her unconscious body and now she's fighting for her life.. or was. And I told your dad to let you stay in jail because you need to learn accountability but no! He had to save you like he always do"

"And he ain ever do that with me" my older brother, Aaron complained as he walked into the kitchen with a bowl in his hand. My dad looked at him

"You staying here rent free"

"And so is Kai" my mom said while I rolled my eyes

"Well Kai is in school"

"And Aaron is working" my mom tried to defend him so hard, like usual

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