Chapter 3:

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February 6
3:58 pm

"I'm so mad I couldn't go to the game last night, my stupid ass sister took an extra shift and my momma had to work a double so I had to watch these kids" I complained to Ziggy as she sat at the table with my 1 year old niece Cali and my 3 year old nephew Jordyn as I stood at the pot stirring these noodles for them to eat. Ziggy grabbed the crayon off of the table and put it in cali's hand so she could color before shrugging

"Ion know why y'all be so excited about them lame ass games. Ain shit happen... well no, I'm lying. A fight did happen after the game. Jamie and some girl from the other school"

"Did Jamie win? Cause she talk a lot of shit around school so I hope she can fight"

"Ion know. I made Geo come on cause last time somebody fought after a game it turned into a shootout" Ziggy reminded me of last years homecoming game. I believe 4 or 5 people got injured and that night and every since, security has been tight at any events

"You went to the game with Geo?"

"Yeah. I told you that"

"Oh. I thought you would've left with keem"

"No. He did come to the house after Geo dropped me off though"

I turned back to look at her seeing a smirk on Ziggy's face

"I should've known yo horny ass was gonna get some"

"And did.."

"Ion know why y'all won't just get together"

"Why should we? I think we good how we are"

"Girl yall practically in a relationship" I told Ziggy while I turned the stove off and finished the noddles for my niece and nephew then put them into bowls and sat them in the fridge to cool for a little bit "shit girl he buying you food, y'all always hugging up on each other whenever you ain in Geo face"

"Dont do that"

"Do what? I'm telling the truth. But we all know y'all just friends so that's why ion say nothing. Plus I realized y'all ain each other type"

"I'm glad you know our types" Ziggy laughed

"I do. It's obvious. You like niggas with sense that spoil you with time, energy and money and Geo ain that"

"Not too much on my best friend"

"I'm just saying. We all know how Geo is"

"Y'all THINK y'all know Geo. I know how my best friend really is"  Ziggy defended him as she colored with Cali

"Well he don't show us too much to go off of other than the fact that he gets passed around like a blunt. The sex gotta be great"

Ziggy laughed while shaking her head

"What Geo do with his privates is none of my business"

No lie, I always felt like Ziggy had some kind of crush on Geo but as stubborn as she is she'll never say, most likely out of fear of rejection because she already knows she's not Geo's type. Ziggy's not the purse or tight clothes wearing type of girl, her go to outfit is sweats and a hoodie with that same bun in her head. He's not the friendliest unless you catch her on a good day which surprised me that she ended up with keem, and let's not get on her constantly growing hatred for people.

Sometimes I wanna speak to Ziggy about all of that but at the same time I feel like it'll never be a right time to do that because she really didn't used to act like this until her dad died and her mom lost custody of her all in our freshman year. I try to give her the benefit of the doubt because I'm pretty sure it wasn't easy for her to deal with that along with everybody discussing her business but at the same time, she can't just go around hating everybody and acting like this forever.

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